
An ethical bot that automates posts on instagram

Primary LanguageJavaScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


Instabot JS is a CLI-based Instagram bot that lets you automate posting, following, and reposting memes from your favorite subreddit onto Instagram!

This Instagram CLI will let you:

  • Repost memes directly from Reddit
  • Post custom Instagram posts { imageUrl, caption } from the CLI
  • Automate following users from your suggested users list

Getting Started

Install the package: npm install -g instabotjs Once installed, you can begin using instabot-cli.



$ instabot [options]

To start instabot, run: instabot -u "Instagram Username"

Once your instagram is logged in via puppeteer, select an action:

❯ 1) repost post from Reddit
❯ 2) create a custom post
❯ 3) follow all from suggested
❯ 4) exit

Built With

  • NodeJS
  • Typescript
  • Puppeteer


If you contribute to this project your name will be added to the contributors list.

  • Fermi Dirak (owner)
  • aziz512 (contributor)


There currently is no versioning as this package is still in pre-release.


This project is licensed under the WTFPL License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Reddit - for their magnificent API. Thank you Reddit!
  • Facebook - for my Instafam and making this project worthwhile \:)/