
Student React/Firebase project that requires collaboration between two or more users, be it a game or some other real time, multi-user program.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ScriptEd Studio Multiplayer Game

React/Firebase project designed for ScriptEd students

Students will implement a React/Firebase app that requires collaboration between two or more users, be it a game or some other real time, multi-user program. Teachers provide starter code (this repository) to handle user authentication, "waiting room", and user matching functionality.

At the end of the project, teachers will merge all groups' projects into a single React application to be hosted forever, making any game playable at any time (and available for any future job application).


Students will work in groups of three. Each students should choose one "focus": architect, designer, or implementer. The architect will draft high-level concepts like the React component hierarchy and prop data flow. The designer will make the app look good, e.g. choosing a style library, keeping the theme consistent, etc. The implementer will make sure everything works, writing most of the code, confirming whether the architect and the designer's plans are possible, etc.

Getting Started

First, create a new Firebase project. Then make the following changes in the Firebase console:

  1. Develop > Authentication > Sign-in Method > Sign-in providers: Enable Google
  2. Develop > Authentication > Sign-in Method > Authorized domains: Add domain c9users.io (if you're using Cloud9)
  3. Project Overview > Add Firebase to your web app: Keep this window open (you'll use it later)

Fork this repository, check out the code, then run the following commands:

  1. npm install
  2. npm start

You should see an error saying src/firebaseConfig.js does not exist (it doesn't). Using the following template, create this file and replace the values for apiKey, authDomain, etc. with your Firebase configuration created in a previous step.

const firebaseConfig = {
  authDomain: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.firebaseapp.com",
  databaseURL: "https://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.firebaseio.com",
  storageBucket: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.appspot.com",
  messagingSenderId: "XXXXXXXXXXXX"

export default firebaseConfig;

Now the application should be running. Try signing in and starting a game session using one of the existing games.

Adding a New Game

First, add some data about your game to src/gameData.js. See the example below, which adds mygameid to the gameData object. It is a four player game, so it sets minUsers and maxUsers to 4. These min/max user numbers will typically be equal, unless you design a game that can have a variable number of players, e.g. a chat room.

import MyGameComponent from './MyGameComponent.js';

const gameData = {

  chatroom: { ... },

  tictactoe: { ... },

  mygameid: {
    title: "My Game Title",
    authors: "My team names",
    description: "My game description: it's the best",
    minUsers: 4,
    maxUsers: 4,
    component: MyGameComponent,


export default gameData;

Then create a component to run your game. Using the mygameid example above, we must create src/MyGameComponent.js (shown below). Feel free to copy this template for your own game. Notice how it uses the following properties to access important game session data:

  1. this.props.match.params.id: The session ID from the URL
  2. this.props.location.state.id: Another way to access session ID (same as above)
  3. this.props.location.state.users: Array of user UIDs currently playing
  4. this.props.location.state.creator: The user UID of the game session creator

It also references the following Firebase Realtime Database path: "/session/<session-id>". This is the database shared with all users playing the current game session.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import UserApi from './UserApi.js';
import firebase from 'firebase';

export default class MyGameComponent extends Component {
  componentWillMount() {
    // Listen for changes to your game data.
    var id = this.props.match.params.id;
    var sessionDatabaseRef = firebase.database().ref("/session/" + id);
    sessionDatabaseRef.on("value", (snapshot) => {
      // TODO: Do something with your new game data!
      console.log("Game data updated", snapshot.val());

  componentWillUnmount() {
    // Stop listening for changes.
    var id = this.props.match.params.id;
    firebase.database().ref("/session/" + id).off();

  render() {
    var id = this.props.match.params.id; // Or: this.props.location.state.id
    var users = this.props.location.state.users.map((uid) => (
      <li key={uid}>{UserApi.getName(uid)}</li>
    var creator = UserApi.getName(this.props.location.state.creator);
    return (
        <p>Session ID: {id}</p>
        <p>Session users:</p>
        <p>Session creator: {creator}</p>
