
Swift iOS component for Step Indications.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift iOS component for Step Indications

iOS Swift License

StepperViewSwift is a fully customizable control to give people more ways to create a stepper.


StepperViewSwift is the stepper UI framework. This release includes a dynamic stepper model, including the ability to create your own stepper, use auto-size stackviews and tableviews instead of sizing cells, 100% fast, and more. The result is a much simpler, easier to use, more powerful and easier to maintain stepper. This framework is currently used by the BubbleYou iOS application in the quiz, voting and survey module.



  • iOS 14+
  • Xcode 12+
  • Swift 5+



You can initialize the stepper by using code or storyboard


Go to .storyboard and add a blank UIView, set the view class to 'Stepper' in the Identity Inspector

Make sure that you select the 'StepperViewSwift' in the 'Module' field



import StepperViewSwift

let stepper = Stepper(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 300, height: 500))
// configure datasource & delegate
// you can configure the size of the 'stepper' circle, line thickness, color of the circles...



You can customize the color, stepper size and selected icon color from the inspector as well by code




// widthLinearStepperView is the size of the vertical line view of the stepper
stepperView.widthLinearStepperView = 5

// stepperSize is the stepper circle size
stepperView.stepperSize = 60

// stepperRadius is the corner radius of the stepper circle
stepperView.stepperRadius = 15

// stepperColor is the stepper circle color
stepperView.stepperColor = .red

// borderStepperColor is the border color of the stepper and line view circle
stepperView.borderStepperColor = .black

// iconStepperView is the stepper circle icon
stepperView.iconStepperView = UIImage(named: "iconStepper")!

// iconColorStepperView is the icon color of the stepper circle
stepperView.iconColorStepperView = .systemIndigo

// isStepperInteraction to enable/disable interaction with stepper circles
// default: isStepperInteraction = true -> hide and show stepper content when clicking on stepper circles
stepperView.isStepperInteraction = false

You can change the font of the title and description as well as their colors, customize the color of checkbox and radiobox


stepperView.titleFont = UIFont(name: "Futura", size: 17)!
stepperView.titleColor = .red
stepperView.actionIconColor = .red


StepperViewSwift offers you 2 types of stepper:

  • Default stepper
  • Custom stepper

Default stepper

Default stepper use the enumeration StepperModel


A StepperModel is a enumeration defined with these properties:

  • ViewModel
  • RequestModel

ViewModel is a structure used to create the stepper and which contains the following properties:

  • title: stepper title must not be null
  • description: a description of the stepper
  • type: must not be null and contains 5 types: text, textarea, checkbox, radiobox and ranking (drag and drop)
  • resourceConfig: to configure the title and the placeholder of the input, it contains:
    • responseTitle: Additional information
    • responsePlaceholder: a placeholder for the input field
  • maxChecked: limit selections with a checkbox type stepper
  • responseList: list of choices for ranking, checkbox and radiobox type steppers, it contains:
    • responseText: a response title
    • image: an image of the response
    • imageType: image type can be system, assets or presignedUrl
    • checked: response checked or not
StepperModel.ViewModel(title: "title",
                      description: "description",
                      type: .textarea,
                      resourceConfig: ResourceConfig(responseTitle: "Short answer*",
                                                    responsePlaceholder: "placeholder text"))

RequestModel is a structure used to retrieve stepper data and contains the following properties:

  • type: must not be null and contains 5 types: text, textarea, checkbox, radiobox and ranking (drag and drop)
  • responseText: text and textarea type stepper response
  • responseList: list of selected choices for steppes of type classification, checkbox and radiobox


defaultDataSource is a protocol used to generate the default stepper view

// Conforming to the DefaultStepperDataSource
stepperView.defaultDataSource = self

// data: contains the list of StepperModel.ViewModel which will be displayed
func numberOfRowsInStepper() -> Int {
    return data.count
func stepper(dataForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> StepperModel.ViewModel? {
    return data[indexPath.row]


defaultDelegate is a protocol used to retrieve data entered in the stepper

resultStepper function called when switching from stepper to another

// Conforming to the DefaultStepperDelegate
stepperView.defaultDelegate = self

extension ExampleViewController: DefaultStepperDelegate {
    func resultStepper(dataAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath, data: StepperModel.RequestModel?) {

Custom stepper

Custom stepper use your custom view


To generate a custom stepper, you first need to subclass CustomStepperDataSource

// Conforming to the CustomStepperDataSource
stepperView.customDataSource = self

// titles: contains the list of title which will be displayed
func numberOfRowsInStepper() -> Int {
    return titles.count

func stepper(cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UIView? {
    let customStepperView = ExampleStepperItem()
    // you can create or return existing view
    // customize the view
    return customStepperView

func titleStepper(cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> String? {
    return titles[indexPath.row]


CustomStepperDelegate is a protocol used to retrieve the view in the stepper

resultStepper function called when switching from stepper to another

// Conforming to the CustomStepperDelegate
stepperView.customDelegate = self

func resultStepper(viewAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath, view: UIView?) {
    if let customStepperView = view as? MyView {
        print("Index of custom stepper view : \(indexPath.row)")

You can return the view of stepper manually

let customViewAtIndexPath = stepperView.customViewFromStepper(indexPath: IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0))

Common function

//You can switch from one stepper to another manually
// to move to the next stepper

// to move to the previous stepper

// check if it's the last stepper

// number of stepper on stepper view

// reload Data of stepper view

// index of the selected stepper



Install CocoaPods if not already available:

$ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
$ pod setup

Go to the directory of your Xcode project, and Create and Edit your Podfile and add StepperViewSwift:

$ cd /path/to/MyProject
$ pod init
$ open -a Xcode Podfile
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

pod 'StepperViewSwift'

Install into your project:

$ pod install

Open your project in Xcode from the .xcworkspace file (not the usual project file):

$ open MyProject.xcworkspace

You can now import StepperViewSwift framework into your files.


Contributions are welcomed and encouraged .


Aziz Hamadi

License (MIT)

StepperViewSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.