#Pokemon GO API You're able to switch to pages with the help of react router dom which you'll find a post/delete/update/add pokemon version pages. With the help of AXIOS we fetch data from a famous pokemon-go API to gain access to all kind of pokemons. A various of JS functionalites (e.g .map() function....) to help arrange pokemons and show their utilities(e.g dmg/speed/health).... ( THIS IS RELATED TO MAIN PAGE ). In the DELETE pokemon page you have to enter the pokemon name and/or id and it will be immediatley deleted. In the update pokemon page you have to enter the pokemon name and/or id and it will be deleted. In the add pokelon page you have to enter name and characteristics and it will be listed as the last element in the array of pokemons as it will receive an id regarding the last id of the pokemon plus 1?