
Prerequisites:ES6 Syntax, Knowledge of react terminology such as State, JSX, Function Components,Props and Hooks, Basic understanding of Redux terms&concepts. Let's dive deeper now:

How to connect redux to react?:-

1.Export the file in which the store was created.
2.Import the store into the root index.js file. 3.Import Provider from react-redux
4.Wrap The App Component with the Provider, pass the store to the provider.

After connecting our redux to react, how can we access the state and change it many times???

Create a slice by using createSlice hook from react-redux
Slice's properties are as following:

name: initialState: reducers: extraReducers(builder){builder.addCase("nameOfReducer"),(state,action)=>{ return ...; }}

1.Add reducer to one of slices. exp: songsSlice (Reducer), addSong(state,action){ state.push(action.payload)}.
2.Export the action creator that the slice automatically creates -W export const {addSong} = songsSlice.actions
3.Find component that you want to dispatch from
4.Import the action creator and the 'useDispatch' from react-redux -W import { addSong } from "../store"
5.Call the useDispatch hook inside the component to get access to the dispatch function-W const dispatch = useDispatch();
6.When user does something, call the action creator to get an action, then dispatch it.-W dispatch(addSong(item)); and the (item) is already as a parameter inside an event handler function.

Access the state e.g inside of a component:

1.Find component that needs to access the state
2.Import the useSelector hook from react-redux
3.Call the hook pass it selector function ( arrow function ) -W const songPlaylist=useSelector((state)=→{return state.songs})
4.Use the state, anytime the state updates, the component will automatically rerender.


we simply create an action creator inside a reducer e.g
reset(state, action){
return [];
then we export that part and use it inside a dispatch function of an event handler.

But what if we want to update multiple state in just one single action creator?:

Don't make a reset function in a single slice to update also the other slice !! NOPE !!
Don't make same function twice in both reducers !! NOPE !!
Idea 1.What to do: Make the other reducer also care about the reset individual function which is called : Watching for other actions.-W HOW??:
Find your slice and add a property named extraReducers:
extraReducers(builder){ builder.addCase("action/type",(state,action)=>{ return ...; }} Idea 2.
Create a new standalone reset function and make both slices to watch for it


Whenever we dispatch an action it gets sent to every reducer ( everyone combined reducer gets called ) in the store but reducers are coded to only care about some specific action types. ( and that is done behind the scenes automatically )

Getting action creator's type:

somethingSlice.actions.miniReducerName.toString(); to get an action creator's type.

Organizing folder structure:

1.Organizing by function: components folder and inside our event handlers components - store folder and inside slices and index.js and actions 2.Organizing by feature: for example- Each component has it's folder where you can find it's event handling component and it's slice. but the actions.js stays inside a store folder alone.