Pinned Repositories
distribute spatially explicit biome definitions and link species occurrences with biomes
Pick the most suitable conservation prioritization method, based on a user query of 17 questions. Includes a database of conservation prioritization methods and the corresponding literature
A data package to sahre information on plant use in Burkina Faso
Sampbias is a method and tool to 1) visualize the distribution of occurrence records and species in any user-provided dataset, 2) quantify the biasing effect of geographic features related to human accessibility, such as proximity to cities, rivers or roads, and 3) create publication-level graphs of these biasing effects in space.
Preparation of species occurrences and distribution data for the use in phylogenetic analyses. SpeciesgeocodeR is built for data exploration and data analysis and especially suited for biogeographical and ecological questions on large datasets. The package includes the easy creation of summary-tables and -graphs and geographical maps, the calculating of coexistence matrices and species ranges (EOO) as well as mapping diversity in geographic areas.
Information, scripts, exercises and example data for the Workshop 'Using biodiversity data in biogeography'. Please scroll down for more information.
Information, scripts and example data for the 'Biodiversity Data in Ecology and Biogeography' workshop at the Botanikertagung 2017 in Kiel. Please scroll down for more information and a preliminary schedule.
Train neural networks based on geographic species occurrences, environmental data and existing IUCN Red List assessments to predict the conservation status of "Not Evaluated" species, for any taxon or geographic region of interest.
Automated flagging of common spatial and temporal errors in biological and palaeontological collection data, for the use in conservation, ecology and palaeontology.
azizka's Repositories
Sampbias is a method and tool to 1) visualize the distribution of occurrence records and species in any user-provided dataset, 2) quantify the biasing effect of geographic features related to human accessibility, such as proximity to cities, rivers or roads, and 3) create publication-level graphs of these biasing effects in space.
Preparation of species occurrences and distribution data for the use in phylogenetic analyses. SpeciesgeocodeR is built for data exploration and data analysis and especially suited for biogeographical and ecological questions on large datasets. The package includes the easy creation of summary-tables and -graphs and geographical maps, the calculating of coexistence matrices and species ranges (EOO) as well as mapping diversity in geographic areas.
Information, scripts and example data for the 'Biodiversity Data in Ecology and Biogeography' workshop at the Botanikertagung 2017 in Kiel. Please scroll down for more information and a preliminary schedule.
Pick the most suitable conservation prioritization method, based on a user query of 17 questions. Includes a database of conservation prioritization methods and the corresponding literature
Information, scripts, exercises and example data for the Workshop 'Using biodiversity data in biogeography'. Please scroll down for more information.
distribute spatially explicit biome definitions and link species occurrences with biomes
A data package to sahre information on plant use in Burkina Faso
sdmverse is a collaborative metapackage for listing all the metadata of the Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) packages. sdmverse includes a graphical interface available locally or online (see below). sdmverse integrates metadata from SDM packages and checks their validity against the CRAN metadata for perenity.
Exercises, demonstrations and other relevant materials for the workshop on Jan 24th - 25th 2017 in Stockholm