
Reusable modules, library, toolkit, General purpose Functional Programming, Side-effects Library, Data structure

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Collection of functions that can be composed to solve programming problem.
Provide reusable toolkit, General purpose library Functional Programming, Pattern & side-effects modules, Data structure algorithm

Composable is to make or form by combining things.   


Status Packages Descriptions
development @zaeny/clojure.core Translating the clojure core functions into javascript functions
development @zaeny/literate Literate programming, extracting code markdown
development @zaeny/env Read .env files
developemnt @zeny/hiccup UI building with hiccup
development @zaeny/http Basic utility setup nodejs http server
development @zaeny/redis Functional programming utility dealing with redis
development @zaeny/mongodb Mongodb wrapper expose two main function query and transact
development @zaeny/expose Utility Functions working with repl node.js


Status Snippets Descriptions
development (wip) aof Efficient appendonly log json
development (wip) mql Mongodb Query Langauge in memory

Getting Started

Usage in node.js npm install

npm i @zaeny/{package}

usage in repl without downloading sepecific the package

var evaluate= (opt) => {
  if(!opt){opt = { ctx: global, addCtx: {console, require, module}}; }    
  return (res) => {
    let vm = require('vm');
    let context = vm.createContext(opt.ctx);
    return vm.runInContext(res, Object.assign(context, opt.addCtx));

var addDeps = (url) => fetch(url).then(res => res.text()).then(evaluate(null));

//  note: use your favorite cdn js
var packages = {
  'clojure.core' : 'https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/@zaeny/clojure.core',
  'http': 'https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/@zaeny/http'

addDeps(packages['clojure.core']) // avaialabe map, filter, assoc, getIn, etc...
addDeps(packages['http'])  // createServer, startServer

usage in browser import

var deps = {
  hiccup : "https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/azizzaeny/composable@main/snippets/hiccup/index.js",

var assignVar = (global, name) => res => Object.assign(global, { [name]: (res.default) });

// importing via import api
import(deps.hiccup).then(assignVar(window, "hiccup"));

usage with fetch api todo:

usage by creating script directly todo:


first we create snippets, if it good enough, and not have bugs or issue, we level it up into a package
