
quickly create ✨high context✨ pull requests from the command line

Primary LanguageRust

pr (name tbd) helps you quickly create ✨high context✨ pull requests from the command line.

v0 gif

Current features

Run a single command to automatically infer a bunch of useful information to be included in a PR, then automagically open it up on GitHub -- all without having to leave your terminal.

  • Accepts target branch for PR as argument or automatically chooses main / master according to how current repository is configured
  • Parses current branch name for "DIT-XXX" pattern; if matched, use pattern to query Linear ticket information from Linear API
  • If Linear ticket is found:
    • Auto-populates PR title following pattern "[DIT-XXX] {Linear ticket name}"
    • Auto-populates Context section of PR body with Linear ticket description
  • Auto-populates Overview section of PR body with chronologically ordered commits that exist in current branch but don't exist in the target branch
  • In the style of git commit:
    • Opens generated PR title in default system $EDITOR (e.g. vim) forediting before submitting
    • Opens generated PR body in default system $EDITOR (e.g. vim) for editing before submitting


  • git installed
  • gh installed and authenticated


lol homebrew or somethin?

if you want to use this right now you'll install the Rust toolchain stuff, clone the repo, run cargo build, then symlink the binary somewhere in your $PATH - sounds like a nightmare.


(will eventually look like this but not currently supported)

curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/azjgard/pr/main/bin/install.sh && sudo chmod +x ./install.sh && sudo ./install.sh && rm ./install.sh


Current working directory must..

  • be a git repo
  • have a remote called origin
  • have an .env file in with LINEAR_API_KEY specified in it:

Then it's ez!

# automatically open PR for current branch

# automatically open PR for explicit target
pr some/target/branch


To create a new release, simply run ./bin/release.sh and follow the prompts.


  • Help menu
  • Support selecting list of recent screenshots (+gifs?) in screenshot directory to include in PR body
    • Upload as attachments to Linear ticket, Jira ticket or some other custom specified source, and then use the links generated from there to include in PR markup.
  • Support for parsing project management ticket identifier patterns from commit messages to associate multiple tickets with a single PR.
  • Support reading from a configuration file:
    • PR title template
    • PR body template
    • Default target branch for PRs
    • Settings for project management integration (Linear versus Jira versus etc)
    • Regex for parsing project management ticket identifier
  • Tests
  • Refactor all my garbo code
  • Multithread or something? idk


Two reasons for creating this:

  1. It's a tool I've been craving because I spend an excessive amount of time writing PR descriptions and creating a network of backlinks between GitHub, Linear, and Slack to make things easier to refer to later.
  2. I wanted a simple starter project to learn Rust with -- everyone is talking about it and I got FOMO.