
release of leetcode-cheat

MIT LicenseMIT


release of leetcode-cheat


What is it ?

It's a chrome extension which helps you to use leetcode more efficient。You can install it from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/leetcode-cheatsheet/fniccleejlofifaakbgppmbbcdfjonle?hl=en-US

important: leetcode-cheat only support Chinese version now. That's to say leetcode.com is not supported completely, but you can use leetcode-cn.com instead.

How to use?

Pick one:

  1. Visit https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/leetcode-cheatsheet/fniccleejlofifaakbgppmbbcdfjonle?hl=en-US , then click 'add to chrome'
  2. Download and drag the crx file into your chrome and click continue button

what can it do for me ?

  • solution template

  • data structure visualization

You can draw any data structure by using the canvas. Also, we provide lots of presets, if you don't know how to get started, it's a great idea to use the presets directly.

You can save your works and use it at any time if you want.

  • roadmap

  • complexity rating

  • Copy all the test cases offered by leetcode without copy it one by one manually

  • There are many code templates, you can copy it if you like

  • if you stuck, you can click it , maybe I have wrote a solution before.

  • zen mode

you will get something like this:

the "console" in the bottom will disappear unless you hover over it or press "back" button.


Q: 我没有科学,下载不了怎么办?

A: 使用 CDN, 点此下载

注意: CDN 可能有缓存。 为了下载最新的文件,请确保仓库下的 crx 文件更新时间保持 30 分钟或以上。