
storybook designed for web components inspired by react-storybook.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Storybook designed for web components inspired by react-storybook.

You can either write web components or react components storybook here.

It's just a playground! o(^▽^)o

Get Started

clone repository

git clone https://github.com/azl397985856/web-components-storybook.git

git remote rm origin

install dependencies

npm i


npm run start

Write Stories

All the stories should be written inside the stories folder which located at the root folder.

You can follow the structions of the stories/example and stories/calendar folder.

More details about writting a story, please move to the api section



the core api is storiesOf.

storiesOf is a funtion which take componentName in and return this(an Object).

This action will add menu to the left.

the returned Object(this) has methods below, and all of them return this, just like storiesOf itself.

add(suiteName, function)

an example of the function

props => <duiba-calendar startTime={props.startTime} />;

duiba-calendar can be either a react component or web component

This action will add subMenu to the left appended to the menu which you defined above.


Your component need props from upstream at most cases, and if you do, you should put the props into the model with namespace.

All you should do is putting the props into the props method provided.

namespace is a place where we put your components in. it consist of two parts , ${componentName}/${suiteName}

something like this:

  showHeader: false,
  startTime: 1512132974336,
  endTime: 1514724974336,
  currentTime: 1512432000000


This action will add description to the right panel


name of your component


This action will add api to the right panel, playground will be added too.

api is an Object, basicly filled with type and api,

type should be one the types listed below:

  • Number

  • Object('nothing to display, to be implemented')

  • Boolean

  • Date

  • String(if the api iteself contains options, will render Select instead)

api should have props of name(required) , 'desc', 'type', 'defaultValue'

an example of the api

  signin: { type: Function },
  showHeader: {
    type: Boolean,
    api: {
      name: "showHeader",
      desc: "是否显示日历头部",
      type: "Boolean",
      defaultValue: ""
  startTime: {
    type: Date,
    api: {
      name: "startTime",
      desc: "日历的开始时间",
      type: "TimeStamp",
      defaultValue: ""
  endTime: {
    type: Date,
    api: {
      name: "endTime",
      desc: "日历的结束时间",
      type: "TimeStamp",
      defaultValue: ""
  currentTime: {
    type: Date,
    api: {
      name: "currentTime",
      desc: "当前时间",
      type: "TimeStamp",
      defaultValue: ""
  calendarType: {
    type: String,
    options: ["native", "normal"],
    api: {
      name: "calendarType",
      desc: "枚举值(native | normal)",
      type: "String",
      defaultValue: ""

  monthResignedMap: {
    type: Object,
    api: {
      name: "monthResignedMap",
      desc: "签到的映射表;形如{1: true, 11: true}",
      type: "Object",
      defaultValue: ""
  monthSignedMap: {
    type: Object,
    api: {
      name: "monthSignedMap",
      desc: "补签的映射表;形如{1: true, 11: true}",
      type: "Object",
      defaultValue: ""
  count: {
    type: Number,
    title: "",
    api: {
      name: "count",
      desc: "折叠起来的时候显示的日期个数",
      type: "Number",
      defaultValue: ""
  todayIndex: {
    type: Number,
    title: "",
    api: {
      name: "todayIndex",
      desc: "折叠的时候今天显示在第几个",
      type: "Number",
      defaultValue: ""

Finally, DON'T forget register your stories at stories/index.js


npm run build

Style Guide

the recommanded way to write your stories

  --- stories
     ---- example
       ----- api.js       // api of the component
       ----- index.js     // main
       ----- index.less   // style


  1. Snapshot testing with zero config
  2. Visual regress test




You'r welcome~