
Data for jmcglone.com. Includes customization of Bootstrap 3.0. Blog and pages generated by Jekyll. Hosted on GitHub.

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Data for jmcglone.com. Includes customization of Bootstrap 3.0. Blog and pages generated by Jekyll. Hosted on GitHub.

All content on this site is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

NOTE: If you fork or re-use this project, please be sure you:

  • Edit _includes/analytics.html and either
    • Replace the Google Analytics tracking code with your own, or
    • If you don't use Google Analytics, comment the block of code out entirely.
  • Edit _includes/disqus.html and either
    • Replace the disqus_shortname with your own DISQUS username, or
    • If you don't want commenting, remove or comment out the block of code entirely.

Otherwise I will receive GA data and DISQUS comments from your website.