
An example for how to use device orientation, socket.io and express using grunt-express. The example will:

  • reload the browser (when opened) using grunt-contrib-livereload and grunt-regarde
  • restart the server using the built-in feature of grunt-express, and it will do so when any of the server script is changed, or when you 'touch' the .server file in project root (using a grunt-regarde watcher setup, see Gruntfile.js)

The purpose of this examples is animate an image on your desktop using the orientation of your mobile phone.

Use Cases: Video Games, Driving Simulations, Compass

Getting Started

  1. git clone https://github.com/azmartone/webgl-socket-example.git
  2. npm install
  3. grunt


Replace the ip found in index.html and server.html with the server ip. If running locally, this will be your machine's network ip.

    var socket = io.connect('');

    var socket = io.connect('');

On your mobile device, browser to http://[server]:9000

On your desktop, browse to http://[server]:9000/server.html

To Do

  1. Orientation metrics and animation needs to be refined.
  2. Consider using acceleration rather than orientation.


Copyright (c) 2014 Danny Duong
Licensed under the MIT license.