
⭕ Template API • Quick starter kit project using Node.js and Express

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

⭕ Template API

Template API is a quick starter kit project to build a complete API using Node.js and Express.

Website CircleCI Status License

Template API

The complete list of all features are located at azobu-projects/template or live on template.azobu.com.

Table of Contents

📦 Repositories 🔝

You should clone all of the required repositories:

🧱 Tech Stack 🔝


All the backend/API dependencies sorted by priority:

  • Git — Distributed version control system
    • GitHub — Provides hosting for software development and version control using Git
  • JavaScript — The primary programming language
    • Node.js — JavaScript runtime environment and package manager
    • npmNode.js package manager
    • yarn — Alternative of npm
  • REST API — REpresentational State Transfer, architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems
  • Nodemon — Tool to automatically restart Node.js application when file changes
  • PM2 — Process manager for Node.js
    • PM2.IO — PM2+ Monit to monitor PM2 instances (formerly named Keymetrics)
  • Express — Minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework
  • MongoDB — Cross-platform document-oriented database program
    • Mongoose — Schema-based Object-Data Modeling (ODM) for MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL — Relational database management system with SQL
    • Sequelize — Promise-based Node.js Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) for SQL-related databases
    • (Alternative) Other ORM-related:
      • TypeORM — Amazing ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript, supports multiple databases, works in several platforms.
  • dotenv-flow — Loader for multiple environment variable files
  • morgan — HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js
  • multer — Express middleware for handling multipart/form-data
  • cors — Express middleware that to enable CORS with various options
  • bcrypt — Library to hash passwords
  • crypto — JavaScript library of crypto standards
  • Express Helmet — Secure Express app by setting various HTTP headers
  • JSON Web Token (JWT) — Compact URL-safe means of representing claims
    • jsonwebtoken — JWT implementationm, symmetric and asymmetric
  • HTTPie — Command-line HTTP client that will make you smile
  • Nodemailer — Module for Node.js to send emails
    • Mailgun — Transactional email API service for developers
  • Sentry — Application monitoring and error tracking software
  • LogRocket — Logging and Session Replay for JavaScript Apps
  • ESLint — Pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript
    • Prettier — Opinionated code formatter and extension for code editor
    • Standard — JavaScript style guide, linter, and formatter
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) — Suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally
  • Nginx — High-performance HTTP web server, load balancer, and reverse proxy
  • Let's Encrypt — Free SSL/TLS Certificates to enable HTTPS
    • Certbot — Automatically enable HTTPS on your website by deploying Let's Encrypt certificates
  • Circle CI — Intelligent and user-friendly Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Cloudflare — Enterprise-grade authoritative DNS service
  • Uniregistry — Retail domain name registrar


Alternative or future dependencies:

  • Alternative of REST API:
    • GraphQL API — Data query and manipulation language for APIs
      • Apollo — Data graph platform to unify APIs, microservices, and databases with GraphQL
  • Postman — The collaboration platform for API development
    • newman — CLI companion for Postman
  • Alternative of Google Cloud Platform:
    • Amazon Web Services — Reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services by Amazon
    • Heroku — Cloud platform as a service supporting several programming languages
  • Alternative of mail services:
    • Amazon SES — Cost-effective, flexible, and scalable email service by Amazon
    • Postmark — Transactional email service with exceptional delivery
  • slug — Encode string into URL-friendly format
  • Jest — Delightful JavaScript testing framework
  • Sinon — Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript
  • TypeScript — Typed JavaScript at application-scale JavaScript
  • Passport — Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
  • OAuth — Open standard for access delegation
    • GitHub OAuth
    • Google OAuth
  • Redis — In-memory data structure store used as a database, cache and message broker
  • Alternative of Circle CI:
    • GitHub Actions — Automate, customize, and execute workflows right in GitHub
    • Travis CI — Hosted CI service used to build and test software projects
    • Jenkins — Automation server to support building, deploying and automating any project
  • New Relic — Single source of truth for infrastructure monitoring, APM agents, browser monitoring, and logging
  • Docker — Virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers
    • Docker Compose — Provides a way to document and configure all of the app service dependencies


Never be dependencies:

  • Other non-JavaScript family languages
    • Avoid PHP, Python, Ruby, Golang, and others. Template API is scope limited to JavaScript or TypeScript ecosystem. For that other matters it's better to create different repositories.
  • Other non-Express frameworks
    • Avoid Hapi and non-familiar ones, or too raw (such as only http package).
  • Database as a Service (DBaaS) or unnecessary 3rd party services
    • Avoid mLab, MongoDB Atlas, Heroku Postgres as they have limitations on free tier

Known Limitations

  • The JWT is still just an accessToken, there's no refreshToken yet.
  • Uploaded files are stored into disk or file system to make it simple for now.
  • No API versioning yet.

🏛️ Application Structure 🔝

├── LICENSE    # License
├── README.md  # Documentation
├── app.json   # Heroku-related file
├── docs       # Documentation files to be used with HTTP CLient in VS Code
├── ecosystem.config.js  # PM2 configuration
├── jest.config.js       # Jest configuration
├── package.json         # Node.js package configuration
├── postinstall.sh       # Script to be run after dependencies installation
├── public           # Public assets
│   ├── avatars      # Default avatar images
│   ├── favicon.ico  # Favicon
│   ├── images       # Default miscellaneous images
│   └── uploads      # Uploaded files/contents from the client-side
├── src
│   ├── app.js    # Primary Express application configuration
│   ├── *.test.js # Test file for particular file
│   ├── config    # Mostly database configuration
│   ├── index.js  # Entry point for the Node.js application
│   ├── routes    # Multiple routes configuration
│   │   └── route
│   │       ├── index.js     # Express Router configuration
│   │       ├── middlewares  # Express middlewares for specific route
│   │       ├── model.js     # Mongoose model for specific resource
│   │       └── seed.json    # Initial seed data to be used with the model
│   └── utils  # Various utility functions
└── yarn.lock  # Lock version of dependencies

There are various dotfiles related to environment variables, Prettier, ESLint, Git ignore, Circle CI, Heroku, nvm, and Travis CI.

🏁 Getting Started 🔝


Install dependencies using yarn:


This will automatically run postinstall.sh script which creates .env.*.local files which also can be run with yarn postinstall.

You should also install and run template-web before continuing if you want to make sure the API is properly connected.

Setup Environment

You can setup the environment variables separately between global, development, and production.

For global config, edit .env.local file:


For development, edit .env.development.local file:


For production, edit .env.production.local file:


For deployment purpose from local machine using PM2 without CI/CD, edit .env.local file:



yarn dev

Access the API on http://localhost:3000.

Run with PM2

yarn pm2:dev
# or
yarn pm2:prod

List process:

yarn pm2:list

Display logs:

yarn pm2:logs

Flush logs:

yarn pm2:flush

Stop all process:

yarn pm2:stop

Delete all process:

yarn pm2:delete


yarn lint

To fix basic issues:

yarn lint --fix


yarn test

Watch for changes:

yarn test:watch

Generate coverage:

yarn test:coverage


  • Setup a domain on Uniregistry.
  • Setup name servers to connect the domain to Cloudflare.
  • Setup server instance on Google Compute Engine using f1-micro (1 vCPU, 0.6 GB memory).
    • Not using Google App Engine or DBaaS, as we need the database in the same server to reduce complexity.
    • If you need more power, use g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory).
  • (Optional) Setup storage server on Google Cloud Storage.
    • By default the upload API fallbacks to file system into public/uploads folder.
  • Setup Node.js toolchain, databases (MongoDB and PostgreSQL), PM2, Nginx reverse proxy, and TLS certificates for HTTPS.
    • Connect DNS to the server with A record.
  • Setup CI/CD with Circle CI.
    • Connect GitHub repo to Circle CI.
    • Make sure to configure the environment variables with the correct SERVER_USER and SERVER_HOST.
    • Make sure the SSH key from the server configured into Circle CI.
  • Run PM2 deploy scripts that connect to the server via SSH.
    • Make sure to configure .env.local with the correct SERVER_USER and SERVER_HOST.
    • yarn pm2:deploy:setup
      • Should clone the repo into /var/www/template-api.
    • yarn pm2:deploy
      • Should pull latest changes and startOrRestart Node.js server.

👤 Authors 🔝

🤝 Contribution 🔝

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

🎁 Support 🔝

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped or inspired you!

📝 License 🔝