
A plugin-based robot for HipChat

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A plugin-based robot for HipChat

Getting Started

Fork or clone the juicebot project.

$> git clone git://github.com/azoff/juicebot.git

Add your own juicebot.json file. You can get the necessary values from your HipChat XMPP profile. This example shows an account with Jabber ID xxxx_yyyy@chat.hipchat.com and password zzzz.

	"alias":	"@bot",
    "org_id":   "xxxx", 
    "user_id":  "yyyy",
    "password": "zzzz",
	"caps_ver": "JuiceBot:0.1",
	"debug":    false,
    "servers":  { 
		"user": "chat.hipchat.com/bot", 
		"channel": "conf.hipchat.com" 

Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install libexpat1-dev libicu-dev
npm install

Run the server. You may optionally add a room name (defaults to the development channel)

$> node juicebot.js development

When the server detects a command in it's XMPP channel, it will run the corresponding plugin (assuming one exists). Argument requirements, if any, are specified by the underlying plugin.

# in hipchat...
You: @bot command [arguments...]

# for instance, the 'help' command runs the 'help.js' plugin
You: @bot help
Bot: Usage: @bot ...

Creating Plugins

New plugins will automatically load whenever the server is restarted. To add a new plugin, create a .js file in the plugins folder. The basename of the file will be the command name. For instacnce, help maps to help.js. Plugins are nothing more than AMD modules, and they only need specify the message method. For instance, here is the implementation of the echo module, which echo's back the arguments passed in by the caller:

	"use strict";

	exports.message = function(from, message, callback) {
		callback(null, message);