
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started Dustbunny

To remove "order hashes match" and "already approved enough currency for trading" from output do this. Inside node_modules/opensea-js/lib/seaport.js comment out line 1121 and 1677 with // anywhere in front

In a new directory; from the command line enter

git clone https://github.com/azoni/dustbunny.git

enter the command: cd dustbunny (You're inside directory now so you just npm start as usual after below changes are made)

copy node_modules into dustbunny copy old values.js and secret.js into dustbunny/src

inufra keys to into a list ['key1', 'key2, 'key3', 'key4'] must have 4

Follow format for OWNER_ADDRESS image

remove image url from list in favorites. favorites: { 'galacticapes': [9999], 'cyberkongz': [3621], }

For future updates you simply enter from inside the directory

git pull origin main

(ignore this)