
Execution of postgresql commands from vim buffer

Primary LanguageVim Script


Vim plugin to execute postgresql commands from VIM buffer



If you use git submodules, run this command from your .vim folder:

git submodule add https://github.com/Azorej/vim-simpledb bundle/simpledb

Otherwise, , run this command from your .vim folder:

git clone https://github.com/Azorej/vim-simpledb bundle/simpledb


Add this line to your vimrc

Bundle 'Azorej/vim-simpledb'


Default key mapping for execution: <enter>.

  1. Create new file with .sql extension (without extensions, mapping would not work)

  2. Create first line with commented parameters:

    -- -h localhost -U postgres -d my_database

    Note: if you don't want to enter password each time, you should create .pgpass (.my.cnf for mysql) file

    There is also usefull key -q to avoid messages like 'Timing is on' etc.

  3. Add sql statements to your file

  4. Hit <enter> to execute all not commented queries

  5. Hit <leader><enter> to execute all queries in the current paragraph

  6. Select multiple lines in visual mode and hit <enter> to execute just those queries


If you do not want timings to be displayed, add this to your .vimrc:

let g:simpledb_show_timing = 0