
Introduction to Computer Science - CS151 (Bryn Mawr College Fall 2023)

Running locally:

Run bundle exec jekyll serve

Adding staff to course website

  1. Create a new entry to _data/staff.yml where you will add your information
  2. Add a headshot to assets/img/staff.
  3. Building the website locally to test that your changes work
  4. Commit the new files to a new branch and create a pull request and tag @azpoliak in the pull request.

Copying over the CS webserver

  1. Build the site (rather than serve): bundle exec jekyll build
  2. Copy of the build: scp -r _site/* apoliak@symbolics.cs.brynmawr.edu:/var/www/html/cs113/website


This course website is based on the template from crowdsourcing-class.github.io