Modular / mountable ecommerce gem. Features:
Configurable tax methods, shipping methods, payment methods
One page checkout, with AJAX for shipping and tax calculations
Order processing completed in transaction, minimizing orphan data created
Fully defined backend RailsAdmin interface for adding orders on the backend
First, add to Gemfile (from RubyGems, with version specified, or source) with one of the following options:
gem "piggybak" gem "piggybak", '0.4.19' gem "piggybak", :git => "git://"
Next, run rake task to copy migrations:
rake piggybak_engine:install:migrations
Next, run rake task to run migrations:
rake db:migrate
Next, mount in your application by adding:
mount Piggybak::Engine => '/checkout', :as => 'piggybak'" to config/routes
You must include jquery_ujs in your application.js file in to get the remove item from cart functionality to work.
//= require jquery_ujs
Visit the project website here to see more documentation and view a demo.
On order notes functionality, changes in addresses are not recorded. This functionality is broken and needs attention.
Copyright (c) 2011 End Point & Steph Skardal. See LICENSE.txt for further details.