
This repo contains the .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, base .NET data types and many low-level classes.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

.NET Core Runtime (CoreCLR)

The CoreCLR repo contains the complete runtime implementation for .NET Core. It includes RyuJIT, the .NET GC, native interop and many other components. It is cross-platform, with multiple OS and CPU ports in progress.

Note that the library implementation CoreFX (System.Collections, System.IO, System.Xml and so on) lives in another repo dotnet/corefx.

Build Status

Debug Release
CentOS 7.1 x64 status x64 status
Debian 8.2 x64 status x64 status
FreeBSD 10.1 x64 status x64 status
openSUSE 13.2 x64 status x64 status
OS X 10.11 x64 status x64 status
Red Hat 7.2 x64 status x64 status
Ubuntu 14.04 x64 status x64 status
Ubuntu 16.04 x64 status x64 status
Windows 8.1 x64 status
arm64 status
x64 status
arm64 status

Building the Repo

Linux Windows Mac OS X FreeBSD NetBSD
Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions

Get .NET Core

You can get the latest released .NET Core SDK from the .NET Core Getting started page. You can also get the latest development builds of .NET Core and the SDK from the dotnet/cli repo.

Chat Room

Want to chat with other members of the CoreCLR community?

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/dotnet/coreclr

Learn about CoreCLR and .NET Core

The best ways to learn about CoreCLR are to try out the product instructions and to read the "Book of the Runtime" architecture documents that describe the inner workings of the product. New devs to the CLR team are encouraged to read these documents before making substative changes to the product. They are equally useful for open source contributors.

.NET Core is part of ASP.NET 5 and is a subset of the .NET Framework. You can learn more about .NET Core and how and where you can use it in the CoreCLR is open source blog post.

The .NET Core Libraries repo contains the base class libraries, which provides data types and base functionality (ex: String, Collections, HttpClient) on top of CoreCLR. The two repos together make up .NET Core. The .NET Core is Open Source and Introducing .NET Core blog posts describes our .NET Core OSS strategy and road map in more detail.

Engage, Contribute and Provide Feedback

Some of the best ways to contribute are to try things out, file bugs, and join in design conversations. You are encouraged to start a discussion by filing an issue, or starting a thread in the .NET Foundation forums. If you are having issues with the Full .NET Framework or .NET Runtime the best ways to file a bug are at Connect or through Product Support if you have a contract.

Looking for something to work on? The list of up-for-grabs issues is a great place to start.

Please read the following documents to get started.


.NET Core (including the coreclr repo) is licensed under the MIT license.

.NET Foundation

.NET Core is a .NET Foundation project.

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