
Experimental async game engine.

Primary LanguageRust

⚙️ nginee

CI codecov

Experimental async game engine designed to be simple, ergonomic and performant.

For more information, please see the vision and rationale documents.

To contribute, please see the contribution guide.



To run an example, run the following commands from the repository root:

cargo run --example event_loop


To build an individual example, run the following commands from the repository root:

wasm-pack build --target web --out-dir "../../doc/src/pkg" examples/event_loop

To build the all examples for the WASM target, run:

for example in $(ls examples)
do wasm-pack build --target web --out-dir "../../doc/src/pkg" "examples/${example}"

To view the example, run mdbook serve doc, and navigate to http://localhost:3000/.