
This is a different approach to web development. Rather than having a team member explain every line of code for me, I have dissected the code and in a Google Doc, have documented a tutorial explaining every file and it’s purpose.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Unit 14 Sequelize Homework: Reverse Engineering Code

Reverse engineer the starter code provided and create a tutorial for the code.

This is a different approach to web development. Rather than having a team member explain every line of code for me, I have

dissected the code and in a Google Doc, have documented a tutorial explaining every file and it’s purpose.

Deployed Google Doc Tutorial:


User Story:

AS A developer

I WANT a walk-through of the codebase

SO THAT I can use it as a starting point for a new project

Business Context

When joining a new team, you will be expected to inspect a lot of code that you have never seen before. Rather than having a team member explain every line for you, you will dissect the code by yourself, saving any questions for a member of your team.