
🌸 The web framework that will love you as much as you love it. Zero binding and 100% DOM powered.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Blossom JS is introduced as a web framework allowing developper to provide fully featured application of small size, without the hassle of setting up a huge stack (sometime more complex than the app itself). Blossom is self contained (provides all you need: Server side rendering, router, testing, etc...) without needing additional tools, not even any build step. As your application grows, Blossom grows with it as it also allow you to create custom components to work with.

getting started and full documentation here : https://azukaar.github.io/blossom-js/

Installation and basic usage

If you're using NPM, install Blossom with :

npm install blossom-js

And then you can import what you need to use Blossom. Note that this is compatible with in-Browser ES6 modules.

import { Component } from 'blossom-js';

If you're not, simply using a <script> tag in the head of your document pointing to the dist file of Blossom is enough (unpkg.com/blossom-js/umd). Here a full exemple of a working Hello World. You can play with it on : https://jsfiddle.net/ez792m8k/24/

    <title>Hello World</title>
    <l-hello name="you beautiful future flower"></l-hello>

See Advanced Usage for more information on possibilities.


Web Components

You can think of Blossom either of a way to bring modern web development to custom elements (or a React without virtual DOM).

Here is an example of component written in Blossom. Sounds familiar doesn't it ?

const {registerAs, Component} = Blossom;

class Hello extends Component {
  render() {
    return <div>Hello, {this.props.name} !</div>;

Once created, those component are usable anywhere in the real DOM, either in vanilla JS, or from another framework (React / Angular / Vue, etc...) More informations on writting components in the doc.

Make custom element great again

BlossomJS is a massive effort into making custom element work properly in the browser. It fixes a lot of issues, adds a more intuitive API with a render() method, and a polyfill for older browsers.

here an example of native custom Element on Chrome 66 vs Blossom JS. As you can see, the native API is very limited and is stuck on simple code :

Powerful to the core

BlossomJS brings to the DOM advanced features, like the core dependency management that won't let componenent try to load before their parent are properly registered in the list of component (By default custom element load in an order that will mess up your resulting application if your components depends on each others). it also implements a DOM merge algorithm similar to what React does (By only updating relevant piece of code instead of using innerHTML like you would with classic Custom Elements).


Starting 0.41.0 Blossom also supports JSX. Use Babel with JSX plugin (babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx) to make it work. Don't forget to use the JSX pragma to tell it to use Blossom ! JSX also allow you to import libs without registering them manually in order to avoid name clashing.

  "plugins": [
    ["transform-react-jsx", {
      "pragma": "Blossom.createElement"
class myComp extends Blossom.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>Hello World !</div>;
// for libs

import { ButtonComponent } from 'pollen-ui';

class myComp extends Blossom.Component {
  render() {
    // here the JSX engine will check for name clashing and auto register the component for you
    return <ButtonComponent>Click me !</ButtonComponent>;

DOM powered

All informations in Blossom are self contained in the DOM itself. There is nothing else needed to run it! That makes Blossom a very good candidate for various technologies : Hot reloading (to come !), Server Side Rendering, it makes testing and debugging easier as nothing is hidden from you. Alternatively, it also allow you to write websites falling back to static rendered. And finally, if your grand'ma wants to see your new website, her Internet Explorer 6 will at least display what your server rendered instead of a white page !


Blossom JS is still an early stage framework and should not be considered if you're planning to write the next Facebook.