
A Discord bot that restores nicknames and roles when users rejoin the server

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

The first time you run this, run:
./gradlew shadowJar

To build:
./gradlew build jar
to run:
java -jar build/libs/NicknameMemory-1.0-all.jar

before running, create these environment variables:
DBURL: the JDBC connection string to the database you will be using
DBUSER: the username for the database
DBPASS: the password for the database
OAUTH: the bot's token
PREFIX: the command prefix
LOGCHANNEL: the name of the channel to log actions in

the only text command available is "reloadusers"
it needs to be prefixed with the command prefix
it will forcibly reload all members' roles and nicknames to the server
It can only be used once after you start the bot. If you wish to reload everything again, restart the bot

The database needs a table named "users"
4 columns: 
	userID varchar(100)
	roles text
	nickname text
	serverID varchar(100)
order matters
all of them are text