
Research done to show Obesity & Diabetes trends in the US from 2011-2016

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Obesity and Diabetes in the US 2011-2016

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Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy

Research done to Answer the following questions:

  • Has Diabetes % Increased in the US
  • Has Obesity % Increaed in the US
  • What are the top 5 states with Diabetes/Obesity
  • What are the bottom 5 states with Diabetes/Obesity
  • Do States with higher Diabetes Rates also have Higher Obesity Rates

Technology used

  • Anaconda
  • Jupyter NoteBook
  • Python/Pandas
  • Tableau



For Obesity dataset I used 6 difffent csv files from 2011-2016 downloaded from the CDC website
For Diabetes dataset I used 6 diffrent csv files files from 2011-2016 downloaded from the CDC website

1. Data Cleaning

I used Jupyter Notebook to concate the difffent csv files into one csv file and data cleaning

# Dependencies
import pandas as pd
from glob import glob

# use glob() to list all files that match a pattern 
obesity_files = sorted(glob('Resources/*-Obesity.csv'))

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# Concat all files  by using pd.concat() and asssign() methods
obesity_2011_to_2016 = pd.concat((pd.read_csv(file).assign(filename = file)
          for file in obesity_files), ignore_index = True)

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2. Visualization

I used Tableau to visualize my findings

Map of Diabetes & Obesity in 2016

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Tableau DashBoard

3. Conclusion

  • Has Diabetes % Increased in the US
    From 2011-2016 Diabetes has increase from 8.4% to 8.5%

  • Has Obesity % Increaed in the US
    From 2011-2016 Obesity has increased from 27.4% to 29.6%

  • What are the top 5 states with Diabetes/Obesity
    In 2016 the top 5 states


    1. Alabama 13.2%
    2. West Virginia 12.7%
    3. Mississippi 12.14%
    4. Arkansas 12.1%
    5. Kentucky 11.8%

    1. West Virginia 37.7%
    2. Mississippi 37.3%
    3. Arkansas 35.7%
    4. Alabama 35.7%
    5. Lousisian 34.8%

  • What are the bottom 5 states with Diabetes/Obesity
    In 2016 the bottom 5 states


    1. Colorado 6.2%
    2. Montana 6.9%
    3. South Dakota 6.9%
    4. Vermont 7.3%
    5. Minnesota 7.6%

    1. Colorado 22.3%
    2. Massachusetts 23.6%
    3. Hawaii 23.8%
    4. California 25.0%
    5. Utah 25.40%

  • Do States with higher Diabetes Rates also have Higher Obesity Rates

Overal there dose some to be a correaltion between states that have high rates of Diabetes, also have higher obesity rates