
Vari (Väri) is a Rust library for formatting strings with colors and cosmetic stuff to the terminal.

Primary LanguageRustGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0



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Vari (Väri) is a Rust library for formatting strings with colors and cosmetic stuff to the terminal. Like Rich library for Python.

Väri means "color" in Finnish.


Vari come with color anchors as default feature, The other opt-in features are: "log", "fun",

vari =  "0.2.1"


Color Anchor

This is in default features.

Color anchor are a bbcode-like markup for colors and styles (eg. "[$red]", "[bg$yellow]", "[$bold]")



  • [$black]
  • [$red]
  • [$green]
  • [$yellow]
  • [$blue]
  • [$magenta]
  • [$cyan]
  • [$white]
  • [$reset] or [$r] or [$/]

Bright colors:

  • [$bright_black] or [$brightblack]
  • [$bright_red] or [$brightred]
  • [$bright_green] or [$brightgreen]
  • [$bright_yellow] or [$brightyellow]
  • [$bright_blue] or [$brightblue]
  • [$bright_magenta] or [$brightmagenta]
  • [$bright_cyan] or [$brightcyan]
  • [$bright_white] or [$brightwhite]


  • [$regular]
  • [$bold]
  • [$dim] or [$low] or [$low_intensity] or [$lowintensity]
  • [$italic]
  • [$underline]
  • [$blink] or [$blinking]
  • [$reverse] or [$reversed]
  • [$invisible] or [$hidden]
  • [$strikethrough] or [$strike_through]

Note: [bg$any] is a valid anchors, it will be translated to [$reversed][$any] (where `any` is the color/style name above)

// [$/] is shorthand for [$reset]
let message = vari::format("[$blue]Hello, [$green]World![$/]");
println!("{}", message);

// Custom RGB!
println!("{}", vari::format("[$[114, 119, 39]]#727727![$[66, 4, 32]] Do you see it?[$/]"));

// Style anchor and also easy macros :O
vprintln!("{}Bold and Italic :O{}", "[$bold][$italic]", "[$/]");

// Background color
vprintln!("{}Backgroundssss{}[$/]", "[bg$magenta]", "[bg$[188, 188, 188]]World![$/]")

// Hexadecimal
vprintln!("[$#ffffff]Hello, [$#000000]World![$/]");


vari = { version =  "0.2.1", features = ["colorize"] }

Colorize string directly by calling colorize() method, like colored crate.

For example: "red".colorize("red") is the same as "[$red]red[$/]"

Note: Chaining is not yet implemented, because .colorize() adds [$/] so you can't chain styles

The argument should be the color's name (the same name as the anchor colors).

use vari::colorize::Colorize;

fn main() {
    println!("{}", "Hello, World".colorize("cyan"));
    println!("{}", "This is red".colorize("brightred"));
    println!("{}", "Bold.".colorize("bold"));


vari = { version =  "0.2.1", features = ["log"] }

Some println-ish function for logging

let log_message = vformat!("[$green]This message is send by main.rs![$/]");
let log_file = vformat!("[$dim]src/main.rs[$/]");
vari::util::log(&log_message, &log_file);


No ANSI for .len()

This is in default features.

This might be used in padding calculation, because in colored string (eg. "\x1b[31mTest\x1b[0m"), the length calculated also contains the "[31m" and the "[0m" in it, making the padding incorrect. So this trait implements a ".no_ansi()" which remove all the ANSI escape sequence and then you could do ".len()" after it.

// vari::util::log()

// Calculate padding amount between the message.
// eg. left________right
let padding_amount = w - right.no_ansi().len() - left.no_ansi().len();
let padding = " ".repeat(padding_amount);
let mut result = String::new();


return result      



vari = { version =  "0.2.1", features = ["fun"] }
fn main() {
    // Rainbow colors!
    println!("{}", vari::fun::rainbow("Rainbow!!!"));


This crate is under AGPL-3.0 license.