Azure RBAC permission insight

Creates an overview of the existing role assignments within Azure RBAC. Can be extremely usefull to determine who has access at which scope and what permissions

  • Queries the role assignments on different Azure RBAC levels:
    • Management Groups
    • Subscriptions
    • Resource Groups
    • Resources
  • Shows details about permission inheritance from parent to child levels
  • Provides insight in permissions aquired by means of group memberships
  • Exports the results in both a hierarchical (JSON) and flat structure (CSV). The former does provide the most detailed information.


The following PowerShell modules are required and will be installed automatically:

  • Az.Accounts
  • Az.Resources

In order to retrieve all the information from Azure RBAC you'll need an account that has permissions to request the role assignments:

  • In case you're using management groups: On the root management groups.
  • If not: On the subscriptions.

On the Azure AD level you need to have permissions to list the details of identities.


No parameters specified: A folder will be created automatically in the current directory with the date and time (YYYYDDMMTHHMM) as name . Modern authentication will prompt for authentication information.


-ExcludeResources Parameter: [OPTIONAL] When using this parameter, all resources will be skipped.

.\AzurePermissionInsight.ps1 -ExcludeResources

-ExcludeResourceGroups Parameter: [OPTIONAL] When using this parameter, all resource groups and children (e.g. resources) will be skipped. So the ExcludeResources parameter is not interpreted when this parameter is used.

.\AzurePermissionInsight.ps1 -ExcludeResourceGroups

-ExcludeSubscriptions Parameter: [OPTIONAL] When using this parameter, all subscriptions and children (e.g. resource groups and resources) will be skipped. So the ExcludeResourceGroups and ExcludeResources parameters are not interpreted when this parameter is used.

.\AzurePermissionInsight.ps1 -ExcludeSubscriptions

-IncludeInheritedRoleAssignments Parameter: [OPTIONAL] Within Azure RBAC permissions will be propagated to child objects (Management Group -> Subscription > Resource Group > Resources). Setting this parameter will include inherited permissions within the results.

.\AzurePermissionInsight.ps1 -IncludeInheritedRoleAssignments

-IncludeGroupMemberships Parameter: [OPTIONAL] When roles are assigned to a group, the role assignment is also applicable to all members of the group. Setting this parameter will include these group memberships within the results.

.\AzurePermissionInsight.ps1 -IncludeGroupMemberships

-OutputPath Parameter: [OPTIONAL] The output of the script is saved in the current directoy, unless another location has been provided using this parameter.

.\AzurePermissionInsight.ps1 -OutputPath "C:\Temp"


This script will save the results in the current directory, unless another path has been provided in the OutputPath parameter.

  • .JSON format, which contains the resource and groupmembership hierarchy. This file does contain the most details.
  • .CSV format, containing a flat structure

Example - Flat table

Scope ScopeType Identity IdentityType RoleDefinition Inherited Assignment
/Tenant Root Group Management Group SPN01 ServicePrincipal User Access Administrator FALSE Direct
/Tenant Root Group Management Group User01 User Owner FALSE Direct
/Tenant Root Group Management Group Group01 Group Reader FALSE Direct
/Tenant Root Group Management Group User01 User Reader FALSE Group membership of 'Group01'
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group Management Group SPN01 ServicePrincipal User Access Administrator FALSE Direct
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group Management Group SPN01 ServicePrincipal User Access Administrator TRUE Direct
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group Management Group User01 User Owner TRUE Direct
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group Management Group Group01 Group Reader TRUE Direct
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group Management Group User01 User Reader TRUE Group membership of 'Group01'
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group/Subscription001 Subscription SPN01 ServicePrincipal User Access Administrator FALSE Direct
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group/Subscription001 Subscription SPN01 ServicePrincipal User Access Administrator TRUE Direct
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group/Subscription001 Subscription User01 User Owner TRUE Direct
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group/Subscription001 Subscription Group01 Group Reader TRUE Direct
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group/Subscription001 Subscription User01 User Reader TRUE Group membership of 'Group01'
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group/Subscription001/ResourceGroup001 Resource Group SPN01 ServicePrincipal User Access Administrator TRUE Direct
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group/Subscription001/ResourceGroup001 Resource Group User01 User Owner TRUE Direct
/Tenant Root Group/Child Management Group/Subscription001/ResourceGroup001 Resource Group Group01 Group Reader TRUE Direct

Example - Hierarchy

    "Type": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups",
    "DisplayName": "Tenant Root Group",
    "RoleAssignments": [
            "Identity": {
                "ServicePrincipalNames": [
                "ApplicationId": "**********",
                "ObjectType": "ServicePrincipal",
                "DisplayName": "SPN01",
                "Id": "**********",
                "Type": null
            "Role": {
                "Name": "User Access Administrator",
                "Id": "18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9",
                "IsCustom": false,
                "Description": "Lets you manage user access to Azure resources.",
                "Actions": [
                "NotActions": [],
                "DataActions": [],
                "NotDataActions": [],
                "AssignableScopes": [
            "Inherited": false
            "Identity": {
                "UserPrincipalName": "**********",
                "ObjectType": "User",
                "UsageLocation": "**********",
                "GivenName": "**********",
                "Surname": "**********",
                "AccountEnabled": true,
                "MailNickname": "**********",
                "Mail": "**********",
                "DisplayName": "User01",
                "Id": "**********",
                "Type": "Member"
            "Role": {
                "Name": "Owner",
                "Id": "8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635",
                "IsCustom": false,
                "Description": "Grants full access to manage all resources, including the ability to assign roles in Azure RBAC.",
                "Actions": [
                "NotActions": [],
                "DataActions": [],
                "NotDataActions": [],
                "AssignableScopes": [
            "Inherited": false
            "Identity": {
                "SecurityEnabled": true,
                "MailNickname": "**********",
                "ObjectType": "Group",
                "Description": null,
                "DisplayName": "Group01",
                "Id": "**********",
                "Type": "Group",
                "GroupMembers": [
                        "UserPrincipalName": "**********",
                        "ObjectType": "User",
                        "UsageLocation": "**********",
                        "GivenName": "**********",
                        "Surname": "**********",
                        "AccountEnabled": true,
                        "MailNickname": "**********",
                        "Mail": "**********",
                        "DisplayName": "User01",
                        "Id": "**********",
                        "Type": "Member"
            "Role": {
                "Name": "Reader",
                "Id": "acdd72a7-3385-48ef-bd42-f606fba81ae7",
                "IsCustom": false,
                "Description": "View all resources, but does not allow you to make any changes.",
                "Actions": [
                "NotActions": [],
                "DataActions": [],
                "NotDataActions": [],
                "AssignableScopes": [
            "Inherited": false
    "Children": [
            "Type": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups",
            "DisplayName": "Child Management Group",
            "RoleAssignments": [
                    "Identity": {
                        "ServicePrincipalNames": [
                        "ApplicationId": "**********",
                        "ObjectType": "ServicePrincipal",
                        "DisplayName": "SPN01",
                        "Id": "**********",
                        "Type": null
                    "Role": {
                        "Name": "User Access Administrator",
                        "Id": "18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9",
                        "IsCustom": false,
                        "Description": "Lets you manage user access to Azure resources.",
                        "Actions": [
                        "NotActions": [],
                        "DataActions": [],
                        "NotDataActions": [],
                        "AssignableScopes": [
                    "Inherited": false
                    "Identity": {
                        "ServicePrincipalNames": [
                        "ApplicationId": "**********",
                        "ObjectType": "ServicePrincipal",
                        "DisplayName": "SPN01",
                        "Id": "**********",
                        "Type": null
                    "Role": {
                        "Name": "User Access Administrator",
                        "Id": "18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9",
                        "IsCustom": false,
                        "Description": "Lets you manage user access to Azure resources.",
                        "Actions": [
                        "NotActions": [],
                        "DataActions": [],
                        "NotDataActions": [],
                        "AssignableScopes": [
                    "Inherited": true
                    "Identity": {
                        "UserPrincipalName": "**********",
                        "ObjectType": "User",
                        "UsageLocation": "**********",
                        "GivenName": "**********",
                        "Surname": "**********",
                        "AccountEnabled": true,
                        "MailNickname": "**********",
                        "Mail": "**********",
                        "DisplayName": "User01",
                        "Id": "**********",
                        "Type": "Member"
                    "Role": {
                        "Name": "Owner",
                        "Id": "8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635",
                        "IsCustom": false,
                        "Description": "Grants full access to manage all resources, including the ability to assign roles in Azure RBAC.",
                        "Actions": [
                        "NotActions": [],
                        "DataActions": [],
                        "NotDataActions": [],
                        "AssignableScopes": [
                    "Inherited": true
                    "Identity": {
                        "SecurityEnabled": true,
                        "MailNickname": "e3ee89b1-0",
                        "ObjectType": "Group",
                        "Description": null,
                        "DisplayName": "Group01",
                        "Id": "**********",
                        "Type": "Group",
                        "GroupMembers": [
                                "UserPrincipalName": "**********",
                                "ObjectType": "User",
                                "UsageLocation": "**********",
                                "GivenName": "**********",
                                "Surname": "**********",
                                "AccountEnabled": true,
                                "MailNickname": "**********",
                                "Mail": "**********",
                                "DisplayName": "User01",
                                "Id": "**********",
                                "Type": "Member"
                    "Role": {
                        "Name": "Reader",
                        "Id": "acdd72a7-3385-48ef-bd42-f606fba81ae7",
                        "IsCustom": false,
                        "Description": "View all resources, but does not allow you to make any changes.",
                        "Actions": [
                        "NotActions": [],
                        "DataActions": [],
                        "NotDataActions": [],
                        "AssignableScopes": [
                    "Inherited": true
            "Children": {
                "Type": "/subscriptions",
                "DisplayName": "Subscription001",
                "RoleAssignments": [
                        "Identity": {
                            "ServicePrincipalNames": [
                            "ApplicationId": "**********",
                            "ObjectType": "ServicePrincipal",
                            "DisplayName": "SPN01",
                            "Id": "**********",
                            "Type": null
                        "Role": {
                            "Name": "User Access Administrator",
                            "Id": "18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9",
                            "IsCustom": false,
                            "Description": "Lets you manage user access to Azure resources.",
                            "Actions": [
                            "NotActions": [],
                            "DataActions": [],
                            "NotDataActions": [],
                            "AssignableScopes": [
                        "Inherited": false
                        "Identity": {
                            "ServicePrincipalNames": [
                            "ApplicationId": "**********",
                            "ObjectType": "ServicePrincipal",
                            "DisplayName": "SPN01",
                            "Id": "**********",
                            "Type": null
                        "Role": {
                            "Name": "User Access Administrator",
                            "Id": "18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9",
                            "IsCustom": false,
                            "Description": "Lets you manage user access to Azure resources.",
                            "Actions": [
                            "NotActions": [],
                            "DataActions": [],
                            "NotDataActions": [],
                            "AssignableScopes": [
                        "Inherited": true
                        "Identity": {
                            "ServicePrincipalNames": [
                            "ApplicationId": "**********",
                            "ObjectType": "ServicePrincipal",
                            "DisplayName": "SPN01",
                            "Id": "**********",
                            "Type": null
                        "Role": {
                            "Name": "User Access Administrator",
                            "Id": "18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9",
                            "IsCustom": false,
                            "Description": "Lets you manage user access to Azure resources.",
                            "Actions": [
                            "NotActions": [],
                            "DataActions": [],
                            "NotDataActions": [],
                            "AssignableScopes": [
                        "Inherited": true
                        "Identity": {
                            "UserPrincipalName": "**********",
                            "ObjectType": "User",
                            "UsageLocation": "**********",
                            "GivenName": "**********",
                            "Surname": "**********",
                            "AccountEnabled": true,
                            "MailNickname": "**********",
                            "Mail": "**********",
                            "DisplayName": "User01",
                            "Id": "**********",
                            "Type": "Member"
                        "Role": {
                            "Name": "Owner",
                            "Id": "8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635",
                            "IsCustom": false,
                            "Description": "Grants full access to manage all resources, including the ability to assign roles in Azure RBAC.",
                            "Actions": [
                            "NotActions": [],
                            "DataActions": [],
                            "NotDataActions": [],
                            "AssignableScopes": [
                        "Inherited": true
                        "Identity": {
                            "SecurityEnabled": true,
                            "MailNickname": "**********",
                            "ObjectType": "Group",
                            "Description": null,
                            "DisplayName": "Group01",
                            "Id": "**********",
                            "Type": "Group",
                            "GroupMembers": [
                                    "UserPrincipalName": "**********",
                                    "ObjectType": "**********",
                                    "UsageLocation": "**********",
                                    "GivenName": "**********",
                                    "Surname": "**********",
                                    "AccountEnabled": true,
                                    "MailNickname": "**********",
                                    "Mail": "**********",
                                    "DisplayName": "User01",
                                    "Id": "**********",
                                    "Type": "Member"
                        "Role": {
                            "Name": "Reader",
                            "Id": "acdd72a7-3385-48ef-bd42-f606fba81ae7",
                            "IsCustom": false,
                            "Description": "View all resources, but does not allow you to make any changes.",
                            "Actions": [
                            "NotActions": [],
                            "DataActions": [],
                            "NotDataActions": [],
                            "AssignableScopes": [
                        "Inherited": true
                "Children": [
                        "Type": "ResourceGroup",
                        "ResourceGroupName": "ResourceGroup001",
                        "RoleAssignments": [
                                "Identity": {
                                    "ServicePrincipalNames": [
                                    "ApplicationId": "**********",
                                    "ObjectType": "ServicePrincipal",
                                    "DisplayName": "SPN01",
                                    "Id": "**********",
                                    "Type": null
                                "Role": {
                                    "Name": "User Access Administrator",
                                    "Id": "18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9",
                                    "IsCustom": false,
                                    "Description": "Lets you manage user access to Azure resources.",
                                    "Actions": [
                                    "NotActions": [],
                                    "DataActions": [],
                                    "NotDataActions": [],
                                    "AssignableScopes": [
                                "Inherited": true
                                "Identity": {
                                    "ServicePrincipalNames": [
                                    "ApplicationId": "**********",
                                    "ObjectType": "ServicePrincipal",
                                    "DisplayName": "SPN01",
                                    "Id": "**********",
                                    "Type": null
                                "Role": {
                                    "Name": "User Access Administrator",
                                    "Id": "18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9",
                                    "IsCustom": false,
                                    "Description": "Lets you manage user access to Azure resources.",
                                    "Actions": [
                                    "NotActions": [],
                                    "DataActions": [],
                                    "NotDataActions": [],
                                    "AssignableScopes": [
                                "Inherited": true
                                "Identity": {
                                    "ServicePrincipalNames": [
                                    "ApplicationId": "**********",
                                    "ObjectType": "ServicePrincipal",
                                    "DisplayName": "SPN01",
                                    "Id": "**********",
                                    "Type": null
                                "Role": {
                                    "Name": "User Access Administrator",
                                    "Id": "18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9",
                                    "IsCustom": false,
                                    "Description": "Lets you manage user access to Azure resources.",
                                    "Actions": [
                                    "NotActions": [],
                                    "DataActions": [],
                                    "NotDataActions": [],
                                    "AssignableScopes": [
                                "Inherited": true
                                "Identity": {
                                    "UserPrincipalName": "**********",
                                    "ObjectType": "User",
                                    "UsageLocation": "**********",
                                    "GivenName": "**********",
                                    "Surname": "**********",
                                    "AccountEnabled": true,
                                    "MailNickname": "**********",
                                    "Mail": "**********",
                                    "DisplayName": "User01",
                                    "Id": "**********",
                                    "Type": "Member"
                                "Role": {
                                    "Name": "Owner",
                                    "Id": "8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635",
                                    "IsCustom": false,
                                    "Description": "Grants full access to manage all resources, including the ability to assign roles in Azure RBAC.",
                                    "Actions": [
                                    "NotActions": [],
                                    "DataActions": [],
                                    "NotDataActions": [],
                                    "AssignableScopes": [
                                "Inherited": true
                                "Identity": {
                                    "SecurityEnabled": true,
                                    "MailNickname": "**********",
                                    "ObjectType": "Group",
                                    "Description": null,
                                    "DisplayName": "Group01",
                                    "Id": "**********",
                                    "Type": "Group"
                                "Role": {
                                    "Name": "Reader",
                                    "Id": "acdd72a7-3385-48ef-bd42-f606fba81ae7",
                                    "IsCustom": false,
                                    "Description": "View all resources, but does not allow you to make any changes.",
                                    "Actions": [
                                    "NotActions": [],
                                    "DataActions": [],
                                    "NotDataActions": [],
                                    "AssignableScopes": [
                                "Inherited": true


When you found a bug, please report a new issue or contribute to an existing one.

If you have suggestions for this script, you can contact me using: