
OpenAPI 3.0 Specification for Azure Standard’s API.

Primary LanguageHandlebars

OpenAPI 3.0 Specification for Azure Standard's API.

Style guide

summary values are essentially headings. The first character of the string should always be capitalized. They should never end in a period.

description values should be formatted with normal sentence formatting. They should always end with a period. Markdown is supported for rich-text formatting. Use one space between sentences (not two).

Docs site

URL: https://api-spec-2at.pages.dev

Uses Redoc.

Stoplight Studio

We have an account at stoplight.io, which includes their "Studio" (a visual OpenAPI editor).

Stoplight account: https://azurestandard.stoplight.io/
Stoplight Studio: https://azurestandard.stoplight.io/studio/api-spec/edit