
Manage your Kubernetes Clusters with Cluster API, Azure Arc and GitOps

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Manage your Kubernetes Clusters with Cluster API, Azure Arc and GitOps

In this session we are going to Introduce Cluster API, a Kubernetes subproject that allows you to manage Kubernetes clusters lifecycle running anywhere using only Kubernetes YAML files. Let’s see how Azure Arc GitOps approach improves and simplify the day-2 operations of these clusters, where your Git repo is now the source of truth. Do you have problems managing identities and Network connection for your current CI/CD process? You don’t know how to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters in production? Then this talk/repo is for you!

Slide Deck: https://www.slideshare.net/JorgeArteiro/manage-your-kubernetes-cluster-with-cluster-api-azure-and-git-ops

Meetup reference: https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/Microsoft-Reactor-Sydney/events/279879195

Follow us at https://youtube.com/AzureTar , https://AzureTar.com and @AzureTar

Scripts are grouped the following way:

(Dependencies) - All environment/installation scripts required.

(Management Cluster) - Cluster API management/control plane cluster creation, configuration and operations.

(Workload cluster) - Workload Clusters creation, configuration and operations using CAPIZ(Azure Provider https://capz.sigs.k8s.io/).

(General) - Assorted scripts and commands.

(Reference Links) - Useful links to go deeper on Kubernetes Cluster API

(Dependencies) Install Azure CLI (az)

curl -L https://aka.ms/InstallAzureCli | bash

(Dependencies) Install Clusterctl

curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/releases/download/v0.4.4/clusterctl-linux-amd64 -o clusterctl
clusterctl version
chmod +x ./clusterctl
sudo mv ./clusterctl /usr/local/bin/clusterctl

(Dependencies) Install Kubernetes CLIs

az aks install-cli

(Dependencies) Install Helm3 CLI

curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/master/scripts/get-helm-3
chmod 700 get_helm.sh

(Dependencies) Install/Update Extensions

az extension list -o table

az upgrade  (to upgrade all installed extensions)

az extension add -n connectedk8s  or  az extension update -n connectedk8s

az extension add -n k8s-configuration  or  az extension update -n k8s-configuration

az extension add -n aks-preview  or  az extension update -n aks-preview

(Management Cluster) Create AKS - Azure Kubernetes Services to install Cluster API management

Create Azure resource Group on eastus regions where GitOps preview is available
az group create -l eastus -n capi-controlplane

Create Azure Kubernetes Services (Edit Script with your IDs)
az aks create --resource-group capi-controlplane --name capi-controlplane \
    --node-count 1 --node-vm-size Standard_DS2_v2 \
    --network-plugin azure --network-policy calico \
    --enable-addons monitoring,azure-policy \
    --enable-managed-identity --generate-ssh-keys \
    --vm-set-type VirtualMachineScaleSets --zones 1 2 3 --load-balancer-sku standard \
    --enable-aad --aad-admin-group-object-ids "<AdminGroupObjectId>" \
    --max-pods 110 \

(Management Cluster) Get AKS Management Cluster .kubeconfig Credential. Config will be merged on the ~/.kube/config file

az aks get-credentials --resource-group capi-controlplane --name capi-controlplane

kubectl get nodes (to test connection)

(Management Cluster) Enable GitOps on AKS using Flux v1

az feature register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService --name AKS-GitOps

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration

az feature show --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService --name AKS-GitOps (make sure it's Registered)

az aks enable-addons -a gitops -n capi-controlplane -g capi-controlplane

(Management Cluster) Add GitOps Configuration to deploy workload cluster from YAML files, --git-path=clusters

az k8s-configuration create \
    --name capi-controlplane --cluster-name capi-controlplane --resource-group capi-controlplane \
    --operator-instance-name capi-controlplane --operator-namespace default \
    --repository-url https://github.com/azuretar/clusterapi-gitops \
    --scope cluster --cluster-type managedClusters \
    --operator-params "--git-poll-interval 3s --git-readonly --git-path=clusters/ --git-branch main"

(Workload cluster) Edit and Run arc_capi_azure.sh bash script to Initialize CAPI control plane and create workload cluster.

git clone https://github.com/azuretar/clusterapi-gitops.git
cd clusterapi-gitops/init

(parameters: azuretar-reactor-1 is the cluster name, and true is to Initialize the CAPI control plane)
. ./arc_capi_azure.sh azuretar-reactor-1 true
mv azuretar-reactor-1.yaml ../clusters/ (Workload cluster will be maintained by Azure Arc GitOps)

ps: to create extras clusters, call script with false at the end. 
. ./arc_capi_azure.sh azuretar-reactor-2 false
mv azuretar-reactor-2.yaml ../clusters/  (Workload cluster will be maintained by Azure Arc GitOps)

ps: If script fails, stop and run again. 

Based on JumpStart https://azurearcjumpstart.io/azure_arc_jumpstart/azure_arc_k8s/cluster_api/capi_azure/

(Workload cluster) Use --kubeconfig created by Init Script to connect the workload cluster

kubectl --kubeconfig=./azuretar-reactor-1.kubeconfig get pods -A

ps: do not push .kuconfig files to git repo. Please include *.kubeconfig in your .gitignore file

(Workload cluster) Add GitOps Configuration to deploy workload application from YAML files, --git-path=workloads

az k8s-configuration create \
    --name azuretar-reactor-1 --cluster-name azuretar-reactor-1 --resource-group azuretar-reactor-1 \
    --operator-instance-name azuretar-reactor-1 --operator-namespace default \
    --repository-url https://github.com/azuretar/clusterapi-gitops \
    --scope cluster --cluster-type connectedClusters \
    --operator-params "--git-poll-interval 3s --git-readonly --git-path=workloads/ --git-branch main"

kubectl --kubeconfig=./azuretar-reactor-1.kubeconfig get pods -n default -w

(Workload cluster) Install Azure Arc Extension to Azure Monitoring from az cli

az k8s-extension create --name azuremonitor-containers --cluster-name azuretar-reactor-1 \
--resource-group azuretar-reactor-1 \
--cluster-type connectedClusters --extension-type Microsoft.AzureMonitor.Containers  

(General) Using clusterctl commands

clusterctl describe cluster azuretar-reactor-1

kubectl get cluster --all-namespaces

kubectl get kubeadmcontrolplane --all-namespaces

kubectl delete cluster azuretar-reactor-1 (to clean up resources)

(General) Using K8s-Configuration commands

az k8s-configuration show --name capi-controlplane --cluster-name capi-controlplane \ 
--resource-group capi-controlplane --cluster-type managedClusters

az k8s-configuration list --cluster-name capi-controlplane \
--resource-group capi-controlplane --cluster-type managedClusters

az k8s-configuration delete --name capi-controlplane --cluster-name capi-controlplane \
--resource-group capi-controlplane --cluster-type managedClusters

(Reference Links)


https://youtu.be/jYe1Dj1oGcc (Microsoft Reactor Talk recordings for the repo)


















