
Semaphore for NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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A fast semaphore implementation with promises.


npm install simple-semaphore


class Semaphore {
   * Creates an instance of Semaphore.
   * @param {number} [capacity=1] - Initial Semaphore value, should be non-negative.
  constructor(capacity = 1) {}

   * Attempt to acquire/consume semaphore value,
   * @async
   * @param {number} [n=1] - Wait cycles.
   * @returns {Promise<void>} - The promise resolves when semaphore condition passes.
  wait(n = 1) { ... }
  take(n = 1) { ... } /** @alias Semaphore.wait */
  P(n = 1) { ... } /** @alias Semaphore.wait */

   * Resolve waiting promises or increment semaphore value.
   * @param {number} [n=1] - Signal times.
  signal(n = 1) { ... }
  release(n = 1) { ... } /** @alias Semaphore.signal */
  V(n = 1) { ... } /** @alias Semaphore.signal */

  /** Reject all promises on the waiting queue. */
  rejectAll() { ... }

module.exports = Semaphore;


See a full classic Producer-Consumer example in example.js

Require and Initialize

const Semaphore = require(`simple-semaphore`);

const sem_notFull = new Semaphore(10),
  sem_notEmpty = new Semaphore(0);

Async/Await Style.

const produce = async () {
  await sem_notFull.wait();
  // produce...

const consume = async () {
  await sem_notEmpty.wait();
  // produce...

Promise Style.

const produce = () =>
  sem_notFull.wait(10).then(() => {
    // Wait 10 times before resolve.
    // produce...
    sem_notEmpty.signal(10); // Signals 10 times instantly.

const consume = () =>
  sem_notEmpty.wait().then(() => {
    // produce...

Advanced hacks

sem_notFull._sem; // check the internal semaphore value
sem_notFull._queue.length; // check the internal waiting queue length
sem_notFull.rejectAll(); // reject and remove all promises from the waiting queue.


2.1.0 / 2018-02-11

  • (Compatibility) With async keyword droped, this library can now be used with Node 6!

    2.0.1 / 2017-08-10

  • (Bugfix) Added rejection error messge.

    2.0.0 / 2017-08-10

  • (Perfomance) Up to 10x faster by switching waiting queue to fastqueue.

  • (New API) rejectAll() - Now the _queue stores both [resolve, reject] function references for every waiting promise. So promise from wait() may now reject if rejectAll() called.
  • (JSDoc) Style improvement.

    1.1.0 / 2017-08-07

  • Added param n to signal() and wait() for batch semaphore operation.

    1.0.0 / Initial Release.


Licensed under MIT Copyright (c) 2017 Phoenix Song