
New and redesigned website for MacroQuiet game development studio - macroquiet.com

Primary LanguageVue

MacroQuiet Web

Welcome to the MacroQuiet Game Development Studio's Vue.js web frontend repository!

Netlify Status

Link to the Application



  • Home page:
    • Responsive carousel of newest game
    • Featured games (dynamically change website when clicked on in the style of the game)
    • About us
    • What's been going on (horizontally scrollable news)
    • Contact us page
  • User authentication:
    • Login
    • Register
  • User profile page:
    • Edit description
    • Edit avatar/cover image
    • Show played games:
      • Game trophies
      • Achievement progress
      • Last time played
      • Amount played
    • Edit user settings:
      • Username
      • Password
    • Delete profile
  • Privacy policy

Video Presentation

Watch here


Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Pula Faculty of Informatics
Web Applications, Academic Year 2021/2022
Mentor: doc. dr. sc. Nikola Tanković (https://fipu.unipu.hr/fipu/nikola.tankovic, nikola.tankovic@unipu.hr)