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system cache cleaner

This is a small rust program to clear cache files on my system. This is ment only as a tool for me to learn rust and automate my systems deleting of cache.

Though if you still want to use it procced at your own risk. There is a basic config in place.

The program wont delete system files unless running as root. It has a handfull of debug/verbose options avablible.

It will detect the current running user and append its home path to user files and folders. When running as root the program will parse /etc/passwd for all users. Then run the cache cleaing on every user account. - On windows this feature is not implemented yet.

Right now the tool will only skip over users that have a /, and a few others like /dev/null for a home path. The reason for this, it because the tool needs to run on my uncle's system as well. He has user with ids less than 1000 and in weird place like /x or /c/down/z, you get the point.


I'm building this against the latest stabel rust.

to build:

git clone
cd cache_cleaner
cargo run

To Do:

  • create basic crawler config file
  • implement the parser for the crawler file
  • create backends for the config events
  • get admin support of windows working
  • find a way to preduce installer for windows.