- Objective: To produce simple graphs that give insight on the pilot's career based on their logbooks.
- Method: Created a python script that can take the standardized digital logbook issued by Cathay Pacific Group and generate standard graphs for all pilots.
- Visualize Your Logbook
Python Version: 3.9.1 Packages: pandas, numpy, seaborn, matplotlib, dateutil
- The logbook is given in a .txt format. The easiest method to convert the .txt to csv is to import it using Excel and add External Data. Pandas does have a read_fwf function but the output was not in a clean format.
- The columns were quite clean as this was a computer generated file and flight records were complete. I split the city pairs into origin and destination for easier analysis. The date/time of flight was changed into datetime dtype using pandas.to_datetime.
- Below are the highlights from the logbook visualization. Personal names are encrypted for privacy.