
Been kicking around and playing with docker .. these are my notes.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


may rename this whole project to General DAMP Stack since its purpose is to allow a user the chance to run Apache, Mysql, PHP stacks in such a way that they can host in public_html and use .htaccess and run multiple php stacks in different ports

We have included an additional XDebug option that will work with VSCode ( and presumably PHPStorm ) so the php process runs in the containers separate to apache as well.


Starting the containers ( we are assuming some level of Docker proficiency); these commands are usually running in WSL ( Windows System Linux ) but we also run this on Chromebooks and Linux distros

If you have amended, edited or added to the Apache/Vhost folder you will need to rebuild the image for the container docker-compose up build -d # runs in detached mode

Otherwise you can run the following and if the images do not exist then Docker handles the build and launches the containers

docker-compose up -d # runs in detached mode


docker-compose up  # keeps the terminal active and exits when command line is closed

WP CLI tool

The CLI Image tool for wordpress is included as an image that can be called and connected to your network when run it launches an interactive terminal that has access to public_html ; remember though in the images/containers the locamount for public_html is /var/www/html running commands in there essentially allows you access to command line tool for wordpress.

To run WP CLI tool

docker-compose run --rm cli bash


wp core download <--- download current core Wp release


If you have any other server running using the default ports of 80 and 443 you will need to comment out or change to port number of them, or the container will not be able to run.

The following configuration just exposes port 3000 so it can be reached at: http://localhost:3000/

      # - "80:8080" 
      - "3000:8080"
      # - "443:443"

There are a some ports that you cannot use, so use this page as a reference if needed.

If you have another container in docker called db you might need to change the name and references to it, or it may not run.

Your content

Add your content to the ./public_html folder

Your content

Add your content to the ./public_html folder

Starting the containers

! Important

The first time you run your docker stack you will need to make sure all the docker files have been rebuilt, if this step is not done, you will find your debug (xdebug) is probably not working.

docker compose up --build -d

After the initial install you can restart the stack using the following.

docker compose up -d # runs in detached mode 
# or
docker compose up  # keeps the terminal active and exits when command line is closed

You should now have the following in your Docker Desktop environment.

Alt text

WP CLI tool

To run WP CLI tool

docker compose run --rm cli bash


wp core download # download current core Wp release