
Add Kina (

alexnygren opened this issue ยท 13 comments

We use Common Lisp extensively in our document processing software core for classification, extraction and other aspects of our service delivery and technology stack.

Thank for the information. A few more words if you have time? I would share the answers on my blog (, reddit and it will certainly be on Twitter (Lisp Advocates).

  1. What implementation(s) are you using?
  2. What is not Lisp in your stack? For example, in "Kina extracts information from PDF, TIFFs, Excel, Word and more"
  3. What's your position on open-source: do you use open-source Lisp libraries, do you (plan to) open-source some?
  4. How did hiring and forming lisp or non-lisp developers go? Did you look for experienced lispers or did you seek experienced engineers, even with little to no prior Lisp background?
  5. How many lispers are working together, how big a codebase to you manage?
  6. Do you sometimes wish the CL (pro) world was more structured? (we have a CL Foundation but not so much active)
  7. And so, how did you end up with CL?

ignore and add what you want, thanks!

Thank you very much, great to hear all that. Looking forward to DLisp!!

I can't see the images though.

but an image should display correctly on Github so what's with them?

You can write me at vindarel at mailz dot org

and I use this to upload images:

oh you used email. I drop them in the UI:

Kina Document Editor

Kina Developer View

Amazing stuff!! Thank you to you both for your dedication.

Note that GitHub's email replies feature offers quite degraded functionality, as it supports plain text only.
Please post from the site or the mobile app for best results.

And Kina is under HN's lights:

thanks @Hexstream !

We have translated the blog interview to Spanish. Would you prefer to post the Spanish language version as well on your blog and us link to it, or would you prefer us to post it directly in our LinkedIn and our own site and then provide a link back to the Lisp Journey blog for the source material?

nice. Personally I'd enjoy the article on your website, it's even more impressive to read it on the company's official website.