
Home of the Weka wiki.

Primary LanguageHTML

Weka Wiki

Not really a wiki, but replacing some of the content that was hosted on weka.wikispaces.com before it shut down. Uses mkdocs to generate the content.

The wiki can be found at this location:



mkdocs works with Python 2.7 and 3.x.

Best approach is to install mkdocs (>= 0.16.0) in a virtual environment (venv directory):

  • Python 2.7

    virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv
  • Python 3.6 (Python 3.5 works as well)

    virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 venv
  • Install the mkdocs package

    ./venv/bin/pip install mkdocs==1.4.2 jinja2==3.1.2 "Markdown<3.4.0" mkdocs-material==8.5.10


In order for content to show up, it needs to be added to the configuration, i.e., in the pages section of the mkdocs.yml file.

Some pointers:


mkdocs is used to generate HTML from the markdown documents and images:

./venv/bin/mkdocs build --clean


You can test what the site looks like, using the following command and opening a browser on localhost:8000:

mkdocs monitors setup and markdown files, so you can just add and edit them as you like, it will automatically rebuild and refresh the browser.

./venv/bin/mkdocs build --clean && ./venv/bin/mkdocs serve


You can deploy the current state to Github pages with the following command:

./venv/bin/mkdocs gh-deploy --clean

jenkins on CentOS

CentOS does not have Python 3.5 packages directly available through packages, but rather through software collections (scl).

Python 3.5 is enabled like this (from an interactive shell):

/bin/scl enable rh-python35 bash

Assuming that the weka-wiki repo is installed in /var/lib/jenkins/repos/weka-wiki, you can use the Execute shell build step with this script to automatic deploy the github pages if the repo has changed:

cd /var/lib/jenkins/repos/weka-wiki
COUNT=`git pull | grep -v "Already up-to-date" | wc -l`
if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]
  /bin/scl enable rh-python35 - << \EOF
cd /var/lib/jenkins/repos/weka-wiki
/var/lib/jenkins/repos/weka-wiki/venv/bin/mkdocs gh-deploy

For getting the jenkins user to deploy to github, you need to:

  • create an ssh key as user jenkins

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/github_wekawiki
  • add the following to ~/.ssh/config

    Host github-wekawiki
       HostName github.com
       User git
       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_wekawiki
       IdentitiesOnly yes
  • add the public ssh key under the repo's Settings -> Deploy keys with write access

  • update the .git/config file in the checked out repo, changing the remote origin URL to this (using the just created identity):

    url = git@github-wekawiki:Waikato/weka-wiki.git