
Static mock up of a order management app in Vue.js

Primary LanguageVue

Static mock-up of an order management app in Vue.js.

title image

View fast-track here - https://fast-track.netlify.com/


  • set up continuous deployment with Netlify

  • add vuetify to project

  • add color palette

  • setup views/routers for dashboard, orders, and inventory pages

  • add toolbar

  • add data

    Order Cards

  • implement cards for orders

  • create form to add orders

  • create navigation drawer with list of order metrics

    Inventory Cards

  • implement cards for inventory entries

  • create navigation drawer with list of inventory metrics


  • create side navigation links

  • create text report cards

  • create barchart component

  • create linechart component

  • create row of pie charts and sparklines

  • create table