
here is my first project exercise which is a combinaison of must knowlege i learned in swift.

Primary LanguageSwift


here is my first project exercise which is a combinaison of must knowlege i learned in swift, it's fake shopping store working working with Fake Store API.

the idea is to practice and try some feature la data models, table view, collection view and so on; it's challenging because it's not following any course path with all steps to follow.

What knowledge i'm working on in this project:

  • build ui with interface builder (storyboard)
  • table view
  • collection view's
  • collection view inside and custom table view cell
  • networking with fake store api
  • parse JSON data using data models
  • MVC
  • no cocoapod's yet

actual preview

store app 05 11 2023 progress

this project still on progress and more features and views ar to implement, this without talking about all refactoring has to be done to improve readability and performance.

build with xcode 13.2.1