simple, customizable macOS application icons.
Dusk icons can be used from the command line, via the Dusk website, or as React components (dusk-react).
Install the command line tool using npm:
$ [sudo] npm install -g dusk-icons
Then run dusk-icons
from the command line. Enter a list of comma separated icons.
For info on how to contribute to Dusk, please see the contribution guidelines.
- LiteIcon: app which allows you to change your system icons.
- Feather: Simple, beautiful open source icons.
Application | Icon Name | Alternates |
1Password | 1password |
Ableton | ableton |
Activity Monitor | activity_monitor |
Affinity | affinity |
Anki | anki |
Adobe Illustrator | illustrator |
Adobe Lightroom | lightroom |
Adobe Photoshop | photoshop |
App Store | app_store |
Atom | atom |
Books | books |
Calculator | calculator |
Calendar | calendar |
Camera | camera |
Chess | chess |
Console | console |
Contacts | contacts |
Dashboard | dashboard |
Dictionary | dictionary |
Discord | discord |
Dotgrid | dotgrid |
Dropbox | dropbox |
Electron | electron |
Enpass | enpass |
Facetime | facetime |
Figma | figma |
Finder | finder |
finder2 , finder3 |
Firefox | firefox |
Font Book | font_book |
Framer | framer |
Franz | franz |
Google Chrome | chrome |
chrome2 |
Hyper | hyper |
iMovie | imovie |
iTerm2 | iterm2 |
iTunes | itunes |
Launchpad | launchpad |
Left | left |
mail |
Maps | maps |
Messages | messages |
MongoDB Compass | mongodb |
Microsoft Teams | teams |
News | news |
Notes | notes |
Notion | notion |
Numbers | numbers |
OBS | obs |
Pages | pages |
Photos | photos |
Postman | postman |
Preview | preview |
Quicktime Player | quicktime |
Reminders | reminders |
Safari | safari |
Sequel Pro | sequel_pro |
Sketch | sketch |
Skype | skype |
Slack | slack |
slack2 |
SnippetsLab | snippetslab |
Spotify | spotify |
Steam | steam |
System Preferences | system_preferences |
Telegram | telegram |
Terminal | terminal |
Todoist | todoist |
Transmit | transmit |
Trash | trash |
Trello | trello |
Vivaldi | vivaldi |
VLC | vlc |
VSCode | vscode |
whatsapp |
Xcode | xcode |