
Gunshots in Washington DC: Dashboard

Primary LanguageR

Gunshots in Washington DC: Interactive, Geospatial, Animated Analysis

Authors: Hemanth Bharatha Chakravarthy and Ilkin Bayramli

This project aims to investigate the gunshot data provided by the Justice Tech Lab on Washington DC.

The App


Note on the Data

The Justice Tech Lab's ShotSpotter uses acoustic sensors to detect gunfire sounds and record time as well as location of all gunfire incidents in a covered area.

The dataset we use covers Washington DC for the years 2006-2017. Check out the full ShotSpotter data here http://justicetechlab.org/shotspotter-data/.

To find more information about the Shotspotter data see:

  • Carr, Jillian B., and Jennifer L. Doleac. 2018. Keep the Kids Inside? Juvenile Curfews and Urban Gun Violence. Review of Economics and Statistics, 100(4): 609-618.
  • Carr, Jillian B., and Jennifer L. Doleac. 2016. The geography, incidence, and underreporting of gun violence: new evidence using ShotSpotter data. Brookings Research Paper.

Note on our Project

We decided to use this data to investigate gunshot locations across months of different years and through the hours of any given day. We built this geospatial analysis using Shiny to be interactive and animated to better inform you, the user.

You can access our code for the Shiny App here, on GitHub: https://github.com/b-hemanth/shotspotter/shotspotter/app.R