
Raked calculations

1R0NYMAN opened this issue · 4 comments

Is it possible to prerform raked calculations (e.g. rake 5% with 1 BB cap)?

It is probably possible, but we are currently planning to implement node-locking and reduced saving features (e.g., excluding river actions) ahead of time. Then, if we also implement raked calculation, it could threaten commercial solvers. I am not sure if that would be a good thing or not.

Another problem is that the game is no longer zero-sum when raked, so the CFR algorithm is no longer guaranteed to converge to the Nash equilibrium. Also, the optimality of the Nash equilibrium becomes questionable.

Therefore, I will reconsider if there are many requests, but for now, I would like to put the matter on hold.

Node-locking and reduced saving features will threaten commertical solvers way more because those are the most valuable practical use-cases of the solvers. I reached very low around 0% in non-zero sum modes (raked and ICM) in GTO+ and Piosolver and the results are almost identical.

On second thought, I found it easy to implement the raked calculation, so I decided to implement it. I have performed only minimal testing, so please check if you would like.

I suppose it is working as expected, so closing the issue.