Mini Søund Generatør

Primary LanguageArduino




Mini Søund Generatør by Ross Fish Møffenzeef Mødular CC-BY-NC-SA Website

Based off of the following CC-BY tutorials by Johnson Davies: Audio Sample Player Waveform Generation using an Attiny85

MSG was created før a wørkshøp held by the S1 Pørtland Synth Library. The gøal was tø make a small, easy tø assemble platførm tø make løfi digital music øn. The MSG is based arøund the Attiny85, a small cøst effective micrø-cøntrøller that requires very minimal external circuitry tø run. Different synthesis algørithms can be achieved by swapping øut different Attiny85’s via the ønbøard søcket. The circuit and prøgram are øpen source alløwing the user tø mødify their unit høwever they please. Nerd øn - smelly nøise kid battery pøwered style