
DrivenData competition here: https://www.drivendata.org/competitions/53/optimize-photovoltaic-battery/page/104/

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Based on this DrivenData competition, the purpose of this project is to build an algorithm that controls a battery charging system and spends the least amount of money over a simulation period.

The competition completed in the Spring 2018, but the data is still available from Schneider Electric (Must sign up for free log in to access). Due to license agreements, the raw data must be downloaded from Schneider Electric; this project assumes the raw data is then placed in the data/ subdirectory.

Structure of this repo

File Description
├── data A directory that has all of the input data as .csvs that are provided by the competition. Now that the DrivenData competition has completed, you can find the data on Schneider Electric's website.

There are minor differences in data format and naming conventions between the DrivenData competition and on Scheider Electric's website, which are handled by ./prepare_data.py
├── output A directory for storing the output of a single simulation run.
├── all_results This directory contains results from all of the runs executed.
├── simulate The Python code for the simulation.
· ├── battery.py Contains an object for storing information about the battery. Some of the params of the Battery object include (dis)charging capacity, (dis)charging efficiency, and the current charge of the battery at the time of instantiation.
· ├── simulate.py Main entrypoint. Controls and executes the simulations. Tracks energy costs of electrifying the site with and without battery, which inform level of effectiveness of propose_state_of_charge method in ./battery_controller.py.
· └──battery_controller.py Contains a propose_state_of_charge which suggests (dis)charging action based upon:

* Recent load / PV production at given timestep
* Load / PV forecasts for future timesteps
* Price of buying/selling energy at given timestep
├── Dockerfile The definition for the Docker container on which the simulation executes.
├── prepare_data.py File to account for differences between expected format of data from DrivenData and Schneider Electric
├── README.md About the project.
├── entrypoint.sh Called inside the container to execute the simulation. Can also be used locally.
├── requirements.txt The Python libraries that will be installed. Only the libraries in this official repo will be available.
└── run.sh The only command you need. Builds and runs simulations in the Docker container.