- execute 'install_packages.py'
- If you get an error with this script,
- In a command prompt, (not anaconda terminal) type 'where python' on windows, or in a mac terminal type 'which python'
-FCopy and paste the full path that it prints out
- On windows it should look something like: 'C:<some path stuff>\Python\Python310\python.exe'
- In spider, go to tools > preferences > python interpreter
- Select 'Use the following Python interpreter:'
- Paste in the path you copied earlier from the terminal
- Click apply and ok, and restart spyder for changes to take effect
- In a command prompt, (not anaconda terminal) type 'where python' on windows, or in a mac terminal type 'which python'
-FCopy and paste the full path that it prints out
- specify file name, file path, which pair of columns in file are being analyzed, and which sheet in file to look at
- (First 3 variables in script 'FILE_NAME', 'COLUMNS', and SHEET)
- if only 1 sheet in file, make sheets variable empty, i.e. it should look like SHEETS = ''
- Note: Columns are NOT 0 indexed, meaning the first column is a 1 not 0
- also make sure not to remove the r in front of the quotes for the FILE_PATH string
- run the script in one of two ways
- in the command line interface (CLI) navigate to the working directory where the script is located on your computer typing: cd 'PATH_TO_FOLDER_WITH_SCRIPT' then type: python main_gaussian.py
- OR
- in whatever code editor of your choice, hit the play/run button while the script is open in the editor
- window will open with 2 plots in it
- plot title indicates image that data originates from
- x axis indicates strain direction (length or width)
- top plot is original data, click and drag in this plot to select data
- for optimal approximation, data selection should include the entirety of the dip
- i.e. the plateaus on either side of the dip should be within the span for proper fit
- lower plot will show the selected data zoomed in to fit
- will also show the curve fit, and approximate minimum points
- to account for data that doesn't fit curve properly, second method implemented also to find minimum by averaging the lowest 5 values and taking the median index of occurences of that average value
- this will be useful when data is not as clean and the guassian function doesn't fit properly
- user will choose which of these min vals is more appropriate
- in addition to displaying fit and minima in plots, values also printed in terminal
- by default, plt will show plots in console box and span selector will not work
- follow these steps to make selection plots open in new window: Tools > Preferences > IPython console > Graphics > Graphics Backend > Apply & OK