
Implement branch and bound and MIP for scheduling problem with single machine

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

task scheduling problem with a single machine


  • CALLARD Baptiste
  • TANNE Malo


The goal of the project is to implement a branch-and-bound algorithm for solving a task scheduling problem with a machine. It is possible to describe a branch-and-bound algorithm using mixed integer linear programming: MIP. Once the MIP is described, the solver will execute a branch-and-bound algorithm to solve it. We are given a method to build a branch-and-bound, this method is based on the Schrage algorithm.

We realized optimized versions for MIP and branch-and-bound. Then in a second time, we compare the performances of the two methods. For the branch & bound we also study the effect of the way to proceed nodes : depth first search, breadth first search and best first search.

Then we will propose an efficient and exhaustive visualization with Plotly. Each node contains its status, the current optimal value ...


We finally made a visualization of the results in the form of a Gantt chart.
