
A cookiecutter template for Flask applications with support for users and organizations

Primary LanguagePython

Cookiecutter Flask With Organizations

A(nother) Flask template for cookiecutter

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The "With Organizations" portion of the title refers to the fact that this project is meant for apps that do not just have users, but those users belong to one or more organizations. An example is DbRhino which is the app where I originally wrote the code to manage organizations.

This project was originally derived from cookiecutter-flask but has since diverged significantly. Particularly in that if you don't need support for organizations, the original project is great and will probably suit your needs.


$ pip install cookiecutter
$ cookiecutter https://github.com/b-ryan/cookiecutter-flask-with-organizations


This supports most of the features here with some notable exceptions:

  • Bootstrap 4
  • No npm project dependency. This also means:
    • No JS/CSS minification

There are some additional features as well:

  • A built-in OAuth 2 server
  • Organization & Organization Membership models
  • Registration form that requires the name of an organization
  • An invite sending & redemption system for adding users to organizations
  • Gravatar support
  • Admin panel

OAuth Support

The rendered project implements an OAuth 2 server. When it grants permissions to an application, it does so for an organization, not a user. Meaning user A may belong to organizations B and C. When they authorize an application, they must choose whether to give authorization to B or C. Once they do, if the user is deactivated (no longer belongs to the organization granted access), the application will still have access to the organization. This could be considered a bug. I am not yet sure whether this should be changed or what the appropriate authorization model is.

There will be a file called oauth_client.py which you can use to test the authorization flow. To go through the entire flow:

  • Create an OAuth application here

  • Start the client using the generated client ID and secret with

    ./oauth_client.py [your-client-id] [your-client-secret]
  • Go to http://localhost:8000

Admin Panel

To access the admin panel:

  • Update your user in the database to set the is_admin flag:

    update users set is_admin = true where email = 'you@example.com';
  • Log in to the application

  • Visit http://localhost:5000/admin