
A modern lightweight sound manager for AS3.

Primary LanguageActionScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

SoundAS - AS3 SoundManager

A modern lightweight AS3 SoundManager for Flash and AIR.

The goal of SoundAS is to simplifying playback of your audio files, with a focus on easily transitioning from one to another, and differentiating between SoundFX and Music Loops.


  • Clean modern API
  • API Chaining: SoundAS.play("music").fadeTo(0);
  • Supports groups of sounds
  • Supports seamless looping
  • Supports workaround for the 'looping bug' (http://www.stevensacks.net/2008/08/07/as3-sound-channel-bug/)
  • Built-in Tweening system, no dependancies
  • Modular API: Use SoundInstance directly and ignore the rest.
  • Non-restrictive and unambigous license

#API Overview

Full documentation can be found here: http://treefortress.com/libs/SoundAS/docs/.

###SoundAS This Class is the main interface for the library. It's responsible for loading and controlling all sounds globally.

Loading / Unloading:

  • SoundAS.addSound(type:String, sound:Sound):void
  • SoundAS.loadSound(url:String, type:String, buffer:int = 100):void
  • SoundAS.removeSound(type:String):void
  • SoundAS.removeAll():void


  • SoundAS.getSound(type:String, forceNew:Boolean = false):SoundInstance
  • SoundAS.play(type:String, volume:Number = 1, startTime:Number = 0, loops:int = 0, allowMultiple:Boolean = false, allowInterrupt:Boolean = true, enableSeamlessLoops:Boolean = false):SoundInstance
  • SoundAS.playFx(type:String, volume:Number = 1, startTime:Number = 0, loops:int = 0):SoundInstance
  • SoundAS.playLoop(type:String, volume:Number = 1, startTime:Number = 0, enableSeamlessLoops:Boolean = true):SoundInstance
  • SoundAS.resume(type:String, volume:Number = 1, startTime:Number = 0, loops:int = 0):SoundInstance
  • SoundAS.resumeAll():void
  • SoundAS.pause(type:String):SoundInstance
  • SoundAS.pauseAll():void
  • SoundAS.stopAll():void
  • SoundAS.set masterVolume(value:Number):void
  • SoundAS.fadeFrom(type:String, startVolume:Number = 0, endVolume:Number = 1, duration:Number = 1000)
  • SoundAS.fadeAllFrom(startVolume:Number = 0, endVolume:Number = 1, duration:Number = 1000)
  • SoundAS.fadeMasterFrom(startVolume:Number = 0, endVolume:Number = 1, duration:Number = 1000)
  • SoundAS.fadeTo(type:String, endVolume:Number = 1, duration:Number = 1000):SoundInstance
  • SoundAS.fadeAllTo(endVolume:Number = 1, duration:Number = 1000):SoundInstance
  • SoundAS.fadeMasterTo(endVolume:Number = 1, duration:Number = 1000)

####SoundInstance Controls playback of individual sounds, allowing you to easily stop, start, resume and set volume or position.

  • **play**(volume:Number = 1, startTime:Number = 0, loops:int = 0, allowMultiple:Boolean = true):SoundInstance
  • **pause**():SoundInstance
  • **resume**(forceStart:Boolean = false):SoundInstance
  • **stop**():SoundInstance
  • **set volume**(value:Number):void
  • **set mute**(value:Boolean):void
  • **fadeFrom**(startVolume:Number, endVolume:Number, duration:Number = 1000):SoundInstance
  • **fadeTo**(endVolume:Number, duration:Number = 1000):SoundInstance
  • **destroy**():void
  • **endFade**(applyEndVolume:Boolean = false):SoundInstance

#Code Examples


//Load sound from an external file
SoundAS.loadSound("assets/Click.mp3", "click");

//Inject an already loaded Sound instance
SoundAS.addSound("click", clickSound);

###Basic Playback

//Play sound.
    //allowMultiple: Allow multiple overlapping sound instances.
    //allowInterrupt: If this sound is currently playing, start it over.
SoundAS.play("click", volume, startTime, loops, allowMultiple, allowInterrupt);

//Shortcut for typical game fx (no looping, allows for multiple instances)

//Shortcut for typical game music (loops forever, no multiple instances)

//Toggle Mute for all sounds
SoundAS.mute = !SoundAS.mute;

//PauseAll / ResumeAll
//Toggle Pause on individual song
var sound:SoundInstance = SoundAS.getSound("music");
(sound.isPaused)? sound.resume() : sound.pause();

//Fade Out

//Fade masterVolume out


//Create a group
var musicGroup:SoundManager = SoundAS.group("music");

//Add sound(s) to group
musicGroup.loadSound("assets/TitleMusic.mp3", "titleMusic");
musicGroup.loadSound("assets/GameMusic.mp3", "gameMusic");

//Use entire SoundAS API on Group:
musicGroup.volume = .5;
musicGroup.mute = muteMusic;

//Stop All Groups
for(var i:int = SoundAS.groups.length; i--;){


//Mute one sound
SoundsAS.getSound("click").mute = true;

//Fade from .3 to .7 over 3 seconds
SoundAS.getSound("click").fadeFrom(.3, .7, 3000);

//Manage a SoundInstance directly and ignore SoundAS
var sound:SoundInstance = new SoundInstance(mySound, "click");
sound.position = 500; //Set position of sound in milliseconds
sound.volume = .5; 

//String 2 songs together

//Loop twice, and trigger something when all loops are finished.
SoundAS.play(MUSIC1, 1, 0, 2).soundCompleted.add(function(si:SoundInstance){
    if(si.loopsRemaining == -1){
        trace("Loops completed!");
