Form Lottery Platform

Computer Network Lab Final Project


  1. npm install
  2. npm run build
  3. npm run server

Develop at Localhost

  1. npm install
  2. npm run debug
    • Run up backend server with --inpect
  3. npm run start
    • Run up frontend react server to enable responsive frontend development
    • With window.BACKEND varable in src/index.js correctly set, react can communicate with backend server

Other Environments

Background Knowledge

  • server will run on HOST:BACKEND_PORT
  • react will run on HOST:FRONTEND_PORT


  • modify HOST in .env
  • modify the host part of window.BACKEND in src/index.js


  • change PORT in package.json (script: server and debug)
  • modify the port part of window.BACKEND in src/index.js


  • change PORT in package.json (script: start)
  • modify FRONTEND_PORT in .env