
Bandwidth-Efficient Inferencing at the Edge -- An Experimental Approach to Analyze the Effect of VSR on Compressed Video

Primary LanguagePython


Bandwidth-Efficient Inferencing at the Edge -- An Experimental Approach to Analyze the Effect of VSR on Compressed Video

Demo Video part 1 - Setups

Demo Video part 2 - Demo run

Demo Video part 3 - Demo plot

Demo Video part 4 - Demo visualization

Measurement Data (csv)/ Measurement Data (Google Sheets)/ Empty Template (Google Sheets)

Files Setup

Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/b06901089/R11921098_THESISv3.git
cd R11921098_THESISv3/

Clone mAP inside the repo

git clone https://github.com/Cartucho/mAP

Clone BasicVSR++ inside the repo

git clone https://github.com/ckkelvinchan/BasicVSR_PlusPlus.git

Overwrite some files

cp restoration_video_demo.py BasicVSR_PlusPlus/demo/
cp -r chkpts/ BasicVSR_PlusPlus/

Environment Setup

We are going to create one virtual environment with (mini/ana)conda. Since BasicVSR++ is built on MMCV. And MMCV depends very heavily on the version of pytorch and cuda. We will be installing specific Pytorch versions. If there are problems related to version mismatch or version conficts, please try to install CUDA 11.8 or CUDA 12.1.

Make sure Cuda and Nvidia driver is working

nvcc -V

Create conda environment

conda create --name my_env python=3.8
conda activate my_env
pip3 install torch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118

Install requirement for BasicVSR++.

pip install openmim
mim install mmcv-full==1.6.0
cd BasicVSR_PlusPlus
pip install -v -e .

Install requirement for YOLOv5.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install FFmpeg.

pip install ffmpeg

Check FFmpeg version. You will need ffmpeg>=4.4 in our experience. Specific the version when installing if necessary.


Install some other packages.

pip install psutil
pip install seaborn


We are using Inter4K dataset. Download the dataset with the link https://tinyurl.com/inter4KUHD from the official repository. Unzip it at wherever you want to save it.

unzip Inter4K.zip -d Inter4K

For example, I unzip it under "Datasets/". The structure of the dataset should look like below:

          (1000 mp4s)


Run the inference with the following command:

python run.py --cfg <config files>

For example,

python run.py --cfg config/inference.json

About the parameters in the config files, please refer to config/parameter.py and config/*.json for more information.

The results will be recorded in the log files.



See the demo video for detailed information.

mkdir plot
python plot.py

For YOLO visualization, you will need to clone YOLO and install one additional library

git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5

Then you can simply use the scripts YOLO provided to get the bounding box rendered.

cd yolov5
python detect.py --weights yolov5x6.pt --source <folder path>

Unfortunately, library ultralytics that detect.py needs will trigger dependency issues with MMCV. (They cannot share a same version of opencv-python. They need different versions.) My work around is to create another conda environment and then install YOLO requirements again. For example,

conda create --name yolo python=3.8
conda activate yolo
pip3 install torch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
pip install -r requirements.txt

(ultralytics should be included in requirements.txt, but in case you need it to install manually)

pip install ultralytics

And then use this sepcific environment to run detect.py.

Code Reference


All other necessary citations can be found in the original thesis. Thank you!