
k8s local testing with awx

Primary LanguageHCL

The awx-on-docker directory is for setting up docker outside of k8s this mimics a server installation and could potentially work with azure container instances or docker directly. You can use this to edit and build source code if testing or exploring changes.


For mimicking an aks setup we first need a keypair. These steps setup a base cluster to which awx can be deployed.

Generate a dirty key pair for testing


Set up a fresh new test cluster

terraform plan && terraform apply

Get nodePort url for k8s ingress


cert-manager crds useful commands

kubectl get/describe certificate --all-namespaces
kubectl get/describe certificaterequest --all-namespaces
kubectl get/describe clusterissuer/issuer --all-namespaces
kubectl get/describe order <order> --all-namespaces