
Installation script for Kali Linux with i3 and a bit of ricing among other things!

Primary LanguageShell



Fork from Xct original kali configuration and installation script modified to my own preferences.

Documentation for all the shortkeys and some extra features in progress.

Feel free to make it your own by deleting or adding lines from install.sh in case you dont want to install any of the applications or add your favourites!

Some of the changes:

  • Removed Compton as is not supported anymore and added Picom instead
  • Added Vpn by elvi7major pull for i3block
  • Alacritty Themes
  • 20 extra wallpapers
  • 5p3llb00k (bash scripts for CTF)
  • Some basic configuration (disable LLMNR protocol, unzip rockyou, etc)
  • Install ranger, VScode and Bleachbit
  • Download seclists


After cloning the repo edit the .fehbg and change the path to match your home folder.


After that just run ./install.sh from a non-root user. This updates kali and installs a lot of stuff, so it will take a while.


After the script is done reboot and select i3 (top right corner) on the login screen. You can change the wallpaper using the next command:

feh --bg-scale ~/.wallpaper/filename.jpg

Select a theme for Rofi using the theme selector in Rofi itself


Opacity rules

You may need to find the class names for the applications in order to create an opacity rule in the picom configuration file, you can do that by using the next command and clicking on the desired window:

xprop | grep WM_CLASS


Original Repo by Xct

Vpn pull by elvi7major

Wallpaper by Wenqing Yan ( https://www.yuumeiart.com/ )